Columnist / Tapiwa shumba
Zimbabwe's ruling elite and the quest for one-party rule
Since 1980, the Zanublack government has replicated the colonial white minority government tactics of suppressing opposition and alternative views.This is a special note to assist friends in t...Published: 02 Feb 2024 at 17:25hrs | 2 | by Tapiwa Shumba political analyst
State of the race - Two days to go
There are just two days to go before voting commences in Zimbabwe's harmonized general elections. Polls open at 07:00 on Wednesday 23 August and close at 19:00. 6.6 million Zimbabweans are expected to...Published: 21 Aug 2023 at 13:47hrs | 11 | by Dr. Tapiwa Shumba
The High Court judgment on MDC: Just loud thunder
This is an opinion clarifying the court order in the High Court Judgment on Advocate Nelson Chamisa's Presidency.Nowhere in the judgment is there a ...Published: 15 May 2019 at 08:22hrs | 6 | by Tapiwa Shumba
People First (PF) is a direct threat to the existence of the MDC
Sad as it may sound to those of us who invested their youth towards democratic change in Zimbabwe, the reality is that all human and natural permutations are consistent with the imminent decline ...Published: 19 Jan 2016 at 22:06hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Shumba
Please get Tendai Biti back on the economy levers
Cooperation, inclusivity, true patriotism and sanity only hope for Zimbabwe: Please get Tendai Biti back on the economy levers The post-independence gen...Published: 30 Aug 2015 at 16:00hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Shumba
Zimbabwe opposition must change from confrontation to cooperation
It could be true that only a fool will do the same thing over and over again but still expect a different result. After 15 years of the same strategy, it is high time opposition political parties acce...Published: 05 Mar 2015 at 15:47hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Shumba
National dialogue followed by a political and economic transition is the best solution for Zimbabwe
National dialogue followed by a political and economic transition is the best solution for Zimbabwe.The economic challenges facing Zimbabwe are symptoms of more dangerous weevils destroying t...Published: 12 Jul 2014 at 17:01hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Shumba
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