Columnist / Tendai kwari
Tribalism and the sickening memes of Masvingo people
We have always had tribes existing next to each other precolonial era. While it is true that colonial governments emphasised ethnicity in their policy of "divide and rule," they can hardly be said to ...Published: 09 Aug 2017 at 22:11hrs | 3 | by Tendai Kwari @tendaikwari
We must push Zanu-PF for Political Reforms
China and Zimbabwe are comparative authoritarian and excessive bureaucratic comrades; both with a streak of dictatorial stranglehold on their citizens. In 1949, China had a highly extractive econo...Published: 05 Aug 2015 at 22:07hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
OAUS Condemns the systematic arbitrary persecution and arrest of its members
STATEMENT - Tichaona Danho, the Occupy Africa Unity Square (OAUS) member who was one of the two who accompanied Itai Dzamara when he first handed in the origin...Published: 25 Jul 2015 at 22:45hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
OAUS & CRISIS in Coalition members arrested
Another OAUS member Charles Nyoni has been arrested by the Zimbabwean police this afternoon. On Wednesday 22/07/2015, another OAUS member Tichaona Danho was kept in custody overnight and relea...Published: 24 Jul 2015 at 22:25hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Tendai Kwari's Speech on Itai Dzamara's London Prayer Meeting
In the struggle for liberation, we are pitted against the oppressor. The struggle is both physical and mental. The oppressor knows that with a strong mind, we can always rescue ourselves from subj...Published: 11 Jul 2015 at 21:01hrs | 8 | by Tendai Kwari
Zim Asset is failing
"In pursuit of a new trajectory of accelerated economic growth and wealth creation, my government has formulated a new plan known as the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformati...Published: 05 Jul 2015 at 08:08hrs | | by Tendai Kwari @tendaikwari
Mugabe's main challenge is a crisis of legitimacy in the Zanu PF system
The critical weakness that will eventually topple Mugabe is a failure of legitimacy. In political science, legitimacy is the popular acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or regime. ...Published: 27 Jun 2015 at 06:05hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Mugabe should facilitate a peaceful political transition in Zimbabwe
You can follow Tendai Kwari on twitter @tendaikwari Political transition is the process or a period of change from one state or condition to another. Political reformis a change in go...Published: 19 Jun 2015 at 16:34hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Is democracy just an expression of ideas? - Part 1
Zimbabwe government is now facing a significant challenge as young, educated and out of employment youth begin to demand a share of political power. Will this lead to the eventual appearance of fo...Published: 19 Jun 2015 at 05:30hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Zimbabwe needs a stronger market economy to curb corruption
Corruption is the scourge of Africa and the achilles’ heel hindering our progress. We have to combat corruption first in order to strengthen our institutions and build a new Zimbabwe. Corruption...Published: 05 Jun 2015 at 22:28hrs | 1 | by Tendai Kwari
Political development is more than the exit of Mugabe
Political development is not the change of leadership in Zimbabwe. Political development is not the exit of Mugabe from our political arena. It could be a mere microcosmic catalyst that will trig...Published: 25 May 2015 at 07:20hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
The tough challenges of rebuilding Zimbabwe post-Mugabe
We are approaching a crossroad; a reality check moment in our entire history in Zimbabwe. There is no doubt that the Mugabe era will finally reach to its end-game. The "I am a war veteran and libe...Published: 16 May 2015 at 07:29hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Political Decay
One form of political decay is called repatrimonialization, of which Zimbabwe and many other developing countries suffer from. However, this is also evident in developed countries, but in a more s...Published: 11 May 2015 at 21:38hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
My Zimbabwe: A Failing State?
The research and writing of Fukuyama in his Origins of Political Order is an insight. For most of us in developing countries, democracy is a dream. Democracy has been so elusive to such an extent that...Published: 04 May 2015 at 07:27hrs | 2 | by Tendai Kwari
Failure by govt to deliver basic services is powder keg that will trigger uprising in Zimbabwe
Failure by govt to deliver basic services is powder keg that will trigger uprising in ZimbabweBy the late 1990s, some 120 countries around the world - more than 60 percent of the world's inde...Published: 30 Apr 2015 at 22:47hrs | | by Tendai Kwari @tendaikwari
Xenophobic Attacks in SA - Blame the politicians and their politics of redistribution and patronage
Yesterday, the war cry was "kill the Boer." Today, the cry is "kill the BLACK immigrant." Black on black violence. Tomorrow, the war cry would be "kill the Indian," and finally "kill the white ...Published: 15 Apr 2015 at 06:15hrs | 10 | by Tendai Kwari
Bring Back Itai Action Dzamara. London Protest
IN SUPPORT OF ITAI [ACTION] DZAMARA. Occupy Africa Unity Square -UK Chapter and other Civic Organisations are going to stage a peaceful demonstration at the Zimb...Published: 11 Mar 2015 at 20:32hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Is Zimbabwe a nation of docile citizens?
One of my favourite books, A Hitchhiker's guide to a Failed State, describes Zimbabwe as '…a nation of docile citizens, they are not imbeciles by any stretch of imagination'. 'On a fair day, an ...Published: 04 Nov 2014 at 17:34hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Black people do not support black business
The Asians and white people support one another in their businesses. In these communities, money will circulate more or longer amongst themselves before it is used outside their circle.I h...Published: 22 Feb 2014 at 20:40hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
How genuine is the Whites Anti Sanction Lobby Group in Zimbabwe?
A group calling itself Zimbabweans Against Sanctions and led by prominent whites in the country have called on the European Union (EU) to unconditionally lift all sanctions against Zimbabwe and it...Published: 18 Feb 2014 at 21:18hrs | 1 | by Tendai Kwari
Open Letter: Join us in mourning, President Mugabe - Mandela is resting
Dear President Mugabe The rest of the world is in mourning. We are in mourning. Nelson Mandela taught us love and forgiveness. Yes, as a human being he had his flaws. The majority of South Af...Published: 06 Dec 2013 at 12:27hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Did Ian Smith fare better than Mugabe under sanctions?
Some questions are better not asked. Some questions are better asked for posterity.After the proclamation he explained: "There can be no happiness in a country while the absurd situation cont...Published: 18 Nov 2013 at 08:17hrs | 2 | by Tendai Kwari
Corruption - The Achilles Heel in Zimbabwe
Corruption is the rotten and stinking Albatross slung around our necks. The demolition of houses in Zimbabwe is brutal, heartless, sad and inhuman. Over 700 000 people were affected by Operation M...Published: 11 Nov 2013 at 10:54hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Something has gone wrong President Mugabe
Something has gone wrong. We used to ululate and cheer when our President RG speaks. "Shame, shame, shame" Mugabe tells U.S. and Britain. "Shame, shame, shame to the United States of Ame...Published: 27 Sep 2013 at 13:33hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Opposition should regroup for 2018 Elections.
With at least 40 heads of state reported to be scheduled to attending President Robert Mugabe's inauguration at the National Sports stadium, the question we should be asking one another is "...Published: 21 Aug 2013 at 15:13hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
It is not Mugabe alone, the whole system is rotten
Democracy in Zimbabwe will not be realised without a mighty struggle. Our agenda should not focus on "Mugabe must go!! Mugabe must go" rhetoric only. Yes, a fish rots from the head; but our struggle f...Published: 18 Jul 2013 at 08:46hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Welshman Ncube throws the grand coalition plan into thin air
Welshman Ncube, Mutumwa Mawere, Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe successfully submitted their presidential nomination papers. Simba Makoni stepped aside to pave way for a coalition; u...Published: 28 Jun 2013 at 13:12hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Zanu-PF is a grand master of organised disorder - Jambanja
The furore caused by the sudden announcement of the election date is a ploy by Zanu-PF to confuse the opposition and electorate. Already Tsvangirai is contemplating an election boycott. Opposition...Published: 21 Jun 2013 at 12:14hrs | | by Tendai Kwari
Tsvangirai - stop calling for election boycott!!
The political reforms expected to be implemented before the next elections are most unlikely. Zanu-PF will not expect to contest and win in a free and fair election and is not going to level the play...Published: 07 Jun 2013 at 18:43hrs | 1 | by Tendai Kwari.
UK deporting Zimbabweans on Tsvangirai's rhetoric
I am saddened by the news that the United Kingdom Border Agencies is deporting Zimbabweans basing on the rhetoric that "Morgan Tsvangirai recommended that Zimbabweans should go back home and help rebu...Published: 11 Feb 2013 at 14:35hrs | 2 | by Tendai Kwari
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