Columnist / Thandekile zikhali
The Good Days
If you remember what I'm about to say then all I can say is you are old now ugugile wakwegura. Today I have just decided to remind people of the good old days in the then Zimbabwe, our country which h...Published: 09 Oct 2015 at 16:25hrs | 1 | by Thandekile Zikhali
It now makes sense, the jigsaw puzzle is now making sense
Today as I sat on my table in my home on a good chilly Sunday I started taking a reflection on events that I have seen, heard and encountered in my life especially with these Xenophobic attacks ha...Published: 19 Apr 2015 at 14:56hrs | 4 | by Thandekile Zikhali
Zimbabweans are not docile, they have been there and seen it all
Zimbabweans are not docile at all but one thing I need to tell you is that Zimbabweans from all walks of life have seen it all, they have been there and have seen everything, hence you can't tell them...Published: 05 Nov 2014 at 15:30hrs | 1 | by Thandekile Zikhali
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