Columnist / Themba mthethwa
We are boycotting the elections: Chigumba concede
Enough is enough! We won't be fooled by the current fake democracy any longer! This electoral system is fundamentally undemocratic and a fraud. We have a choice and a right to withhold our vot...Published: 23 Jul 2018 at 07:54hrs | 2 | by Themba Mthethwa
Zanu-PF enemy dependency politics is an erosion of peace and security
Zanu-PF has a rampant and untreated case of enemy dependency syndrome to politics. By far, the greatest threat to Zimbabwe right now comes from within Zanu-PF political obstructionists and the know-no...Published: 01 Jul 2018 at 15:20hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Goodbye Mugabe, Welcome Mnangagwa
The ZANU PF political predisposition The Zimbabwe political transition as it stands now is carried out by a military intervention code named "Operatio...Published: 21 Nov 2017 at 19:43hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
The fall of the Zimbabwe dictator is gathering speed
A soft political coup led by G40 has taken place in Zimbabwe. The dictatorship of Robert Mugabe and his patronage political machine linked to the liberation struggle is now crumbling at a fast pace dr...Published: 15 Nov 2017 at 08:15hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Mudede tells Rita Makarau to abandon the biometric voter registration
Rita Makarau, chairperson of ZEC will announce that the biometric voter registration and verification technology will not be used for 2018 watershed general elections. Rita will defend her decision by...Published: 01 Sep 2017 at 22:25hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
The first lady Grace Mugabe to admit she has a behaviour problem
Rage does not and should not necessitate physical violence. Violence is not power. Violence is symptomatic to an emotional deficit and a larger personality disorder linked to a sense of loss of contro...Published: 20 Aug 2017 at 13:58hrs | 4 | by Themba Mthethwa
They want to kill Emmerson Mnangagwa
It is greatly unfortunate that there was a grave attempt to take Mnangagwa's life at Gwanda [sic] Somhlolo Stadium youth interface rally by food poisoning. Prayers and best wishes go to Mnangagwa for ...Published: 12 Aug 2017 at 23:51hrs | 13 | by Themba Mthethwa
'Policemen gang rape a suspect'
The paedophilic and exhibitionist Charity Charamba supervised sadistic and sexually predatory policemen based in Victoria Falls sexually abused Zibusiso Moyo who they accused of prostitution and loite...Published: 07 Aug 2017 at 21:00hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
The Zimbabwe army regiments are now led by warlords
Zimbabwe is in state of a political crisis and decay. The political authority, influence, responsibility and control has debilitated and collapsed. The central power holder is now shrunken and malfunc...Published: 04 Aug 2017 at 21:23hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
The army shoots at ZEC, Dabengwa is in defensive formation
The supreme commander of ZIPRA forces and president of ZAPU Dr Dumiso Dabengwa warns that Zimbabwe security services top aides to President Mugabe, the Joint Operations Command (JOC) have invaded ...Published: 27 Jul 2017 at 23:06hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Makarau surrenders professional values & ethics by letting her judicial robe fall to her knees
Justice Rita Makarau, former ZANU PF appointee none constituency MP for parliamentary legal committee, professional lawyer, constitutional and supreme court judge, current secretary of the judiciary s...Published: 24 Jul 2017 at 06:35hrs | 2 | by Themba Mthethwa
The lottery of birth of Robert Junior and Chatunga is getting them wasted
Some people will say it is a jack pot to be born of the rich, powerful and famous. Some would say count your blessings to have won the lottery to be of the loins and womb of the rich but other people ...Published: 16 Jul 2017 at 11:03hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Grace Mugabe runs amok, something has happened to her
The relentless obsessive and compulsive looting, grabbing and stealing of private and state resources by Grace without a recourse to those resources, and without financial compensation to the affected...Published: 09 Jul 2017 at 14:18hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
If there was a coup our society will blame it on Chiwenga
The attacks on Professor Jonathan Moyo by the army man Constantine Chiwenga are symptomatic of a developing trend of a command and coercive doctrine within the establishment. Professor Moyo's views sh...Published: 28 Jun 2017 at 19:05hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
We are re-using the 2013 election rigging template to win again in 2018 elections
The following is a hypothetical synopsis of ZANU PF rigging mission for the 2018 elections written in the first person. 'You are well aware that any election is a threat to the rule of our ZAN...Published: 23 Jun 2017 at 22:46hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Chipanga is a troubled juvenile exploited by G40
Kudzai Chipanga is a young lad whose brains are still forming and his thought processes are greatly influenced by the here and now. It is certainly safe to say that Chipanga is unable to think beyond ...Published: 15 Jun 2017 at 22:25hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Mugabe laughs at his image in the mirror
Mugabe runs the country in his own image best described as a dictatorial, totalitarian, autocratic, tyrannous and authoritative. Those that have been inducted, indoctrinated and trapped in the Mugabe ...Published: 07 Jun 2017 at 23:29hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Stash of cash and diamonds under Mugabe's bed
The shocking revelation by Robert Gabriel Mugabe that $15 billion worth of diamonds went missing from Marange diamond mines without him ordering an investigation that could have led to prosecutions of...Published: 30 May 2017 at 14:38hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
ZANU PF grand theft of the bank
ZANU PF grand theft of the century has wiped out all the money from the depositors' bank account to buy luxury cars for its election campaign. ZANU PF top leaders are pathological thieves rooted in a ...Published: 20 May 2017 at 14:59hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Grace Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa fight over Chiwenga
The struggle over ZANU PF succession has affected the texture of the democratic processes in Zimbabwe that has experienced flawed elections one after the other. The ramifications of the succession pro...Published: 18 Apr 2017 at 08:09hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
The bond notes will fail in the same way the Zimdollar
.....and the bearers' cheque failed The Zimbabwe dollar that was inherited from the Rhodesian government in 1980 with the exchange rate of one to one w...Published: 29 Nov 2016 at 21:13hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Shona speaking teacher locked up in a Ndebele lessons classroom: A linguistic genocide
The politics, language, ethnic and culture problems began soon after the independence of Zimbabwe leading to the Gukurahundi atrocities in the 1980s in Matabeleland precipitated mainly by the ideologi...Published: 23 Sep 2016 at 20:48hrs | 2 | by Themba Mthethwa
ZANU PF supporters poisoned
ZANU PF officials and supporters have been poisoned by the culture of political correctness that has curtailed the independent thinking of its members. The party of Robert Mugabe has turned Zimbab...Published: 16 Sep 2016 at 21:56hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Mugabe rips the flag, a question of ethics
The ZANU PF establishment is haunted by the resurrection of the national flag running sacred as the public is flying the flag high reminding the government of its failed mandate to honour the prin...Published: 09 Sep 2016 at 22:46hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Policemen severely brutalised
President Mugabe led State of the Republic of Zimbabwe has ideologically severely brutalised the role of the police force mobilising the force for political combat against the people it is suppo...Published: 02 Sep 2016 at 20:13hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Mugabe held hostage
Zanu-PF replicates many of the doctrines that defined the Rhodesia colonial regime by devoting much of its energy to victimize and demobilize the popular constituency that brought the independence...Published: 26 Aug 2016 at 21:10hrs | 7 | by Themba Mthethwa
Tribalism, marginalisation and factionalism is history with a united opposition
A genuine and united pact of opposition parties that extends to all opposition political parties in Zimbabwe has the propensity for democratic reforms and good governance. The national common knowledg...Published: 19 Aug 2016 at 19:27hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Barbourfields Stadium to erupt into ZAPU songs as Highlanders displays its new bus.
Barbourfields Stadium in Bulawayo 'Emagumeni' is expected to be buzzing with Highlanders Football Club supporters coming to have a glimpse of Highlanders Football Club's newly acquired state of th...Published: 04 Jun 2015 at 23:08hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Bulawayo Zulu kaNdaba votes ZAPU
The people of Bulawayo have reaffirmed their support and voting for ZAPU candidates in the Bulawayo by-election of 10 June 2015. The slogan is "Keep ZANU PF out of Bulawayo". The younger generatio...Published: 23 May 2015 at 09:18hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Education is now a closed door for Zimbabwean poor children
The ZANU PF government has hammered the final proverbial nail on the coffin to signal the end of education for children in Zimbabwe. The planned introduction of examination fees fo...Published: 05 Apr 2015 at 12:52hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa ZAPU Europe Information, Publicity and Marketing Department
Youths join Zapu as it gives them a fair and better deal
The move by MDC Youths to join Zapu was highly welcome and indicative of the fact that young people have finally realized that their future aspirations and social mobility can only be secured by Zapu'...Published: 30 Mar 2015 at 10:13hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Women shoulder the burden of the nation
The 8th of March is the world women's day. While other women in some parts of the world are celebrating the mile stone and progress in the recognition of social, political and economic development of ...Published: 06 Mar 2015 at 12:20hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Political bullies will end with devolution of power
Zimbabwe has become a highly toxic political environment in which politics has unfortunately become the art and science of coping with overpowering political bullies that has gone beyond the moral lim...Published: 29 Jan 2015 at 20:35hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Why Gukurahundi atrocities in Matabeleland and Midland is genocide
This article can be read in conjunction with the following documents: 'Breaking the silence, Building true peace', a report by the Catholic Commission for justice and peace (1997); Dr M.P. Guduza ...Published: 14 Jan 2015 at 23:27hrs | 9 | by Themba Mthethwa
Gukurahundi graves should be turned into monuments and shrines
Following the Gukurahundi invasion and genocide in Matabeleland and parts of Midlands over twenty years ago victims and surviving victims of Gukurahundi genocide have not received any form of restora...Published: 08 Jan 2015 at 16:22hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
No meaningful devolution without fiscal autonomy
The ZAPU devolution of power concept encourages provincial legislatures and national assemblies to examine new approaches of financial resource raising and allocation. Without the ability to raise fin...Published: 24 Oct 2014 at 20:02hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Eddie Cross crosses the line
Recently Mr Eddie Cross of the MDC-T penned an article in which he attempted to analyse the crucial milestones in the Zimbabwean journey towards self-destruction. In his analysis he deliberately d...Published: 11 Oct 2014 at 06:54hrs | | by Thulani Nkala and Themba Mthethwa
ZAPU Devolution of Power Promotes Indigenization
Lack of access to credit is one of the many reasons why people in Zimbabwe remain poor. ZAPU devolution promotes micro-credit and micro-enterprise to facilitate poverty reduction. It is a human ri...Published: 27 Sep 2014 at 09:41hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
The ZAPU Devolution of Power explained, Part 4 of 4
This is the last article of the series that have been running in the last four weeks. In the first instalment I explained how ZAPU devolution of power can deal with the current negative tribal per...Published: 12 Sep 2014 at 17:58hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
The ZAPU Devolution of power model explained part 2
The ZAPU model of governance by devolution of power is a people centred approach. This is the second series of the four part series explaining the ZAPU model of devolution of power. ...Published: 30 Aug 2014 at 05:54hrs | | by Themba Mthethwa
Cephas Msipa defected before the Unity Accord
Cephas Msipa defected before the Unity AccordThe sentiments expressed in an article in Zimdaily situation, ‘Give chairmanship to Zapu cadre: Msipa' August 21, 2014 by ZimSitRep made an inte...Published: 25 Aug 2014 at 14:33hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
Devolution of Power Concept Explained, instalment 1 of 4
The explanation of the concept of devolution of power proffered herein in this first instalment and the three subsequent ones is as espoused by the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZAPU). The devo...Published: 23 Aug 2014 at 08:45hrs | 1 | by Themba Mthethwa
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