Columnist / Thomas murisa
They can treat prostate cancer and enlarged prostate
Call it 'Herbalprenurship', new business entities and individuals wheeling and dealing in herbal medicines. I hear the profit margins are stratospheric, with those with flexibility and agility ensconc...Published: 02 Feb 2025 at 12:00hrs | 1945 | by Thomas Murisa
Who shall tame the wayward youths?
Teenage delinquency has descended on rural business centers and high school institutions, creating a situation as alarming as it is frightening. Drug snorting, "apprentice" harlotry, and general resis...Published: 18 Jan 2025 at 11:17hrs | 187 | by Tondo Thomas Murisa
We Africans have our way of doing things
The thunderous weather, intensified by blinding lightning, instils fear in many of us. Folklore has it that during such storms, bad debtors and adulterers often tremble to the core, fearing that those...Published: 08 Nov 2024 at 14:57hrs | 278 | by Thomas Murisa
The Proverbial Stupid Fly That Followed the Corpse Into the Grave
It's good to have smartphones for high school students, but are we not throwing out the baby with the bathwater? There is more to lose than to gain when learners carry these e-gadgets on their person ...Published: 23 Oct 2024 at 20:28hrs | 436 | by Thomas Murisa
Drugs and substance abuse - fighting the scourge together as one.
A young man, seemingly dazed, emerges from an abandoned building in a rural area.Two students follow him, heading towards a nearby school. The abandoned building might be a place for illicit a...Published: 29 Sep 2024 at 15:18hrs | 191 | by Thomas Murisa
Wise farmers prepare land before the rains
The advent of Chinehasha Irrigation Scheme initiative that has seen 'boots on the ground' is a good omen for the locale and its environs. Our young farmers have the experience, zealousne...Published: 23 Sep 2024 at 18:25hrs | 627 | by Thomas Murisa
Fresh fruits can be dried and get served at much time later
The last farming season was a fiasco, poor rainfall pattern translating to little or no harvest to write home about. The Elnino weather phenomenon wrecked havoc with crops especially grains, leaving f...Published: 31 Jul 2024 at 20:44hrs | 465 | by Thomas Murisa Chinehasha
Lighters and matches are not toys, avoid veld fires
The chill is in the air heralding the onset of the winter season. A time when some orphans, widows, homeless and the aged find themselves with no refuge from the biting cold. You see kids shivering wi...Published: 15 Jul 2024 at 14:28hrs | 42 | by Thomas Murisa
Being with the people all the time.
Cholera, a water-borne disease that can bring the infected down in hours is on the rampage. The unrelenting malady is on the war-path with cases now recorded in many places including cities and the co...Published: 06 Mar 2024 at 23:22hrs | 23 | by Thomas Murisa
Being with the people all the time.
When the Zanu-PF legislator for Mazowe North Constituency Hon. Cde Tsungi Makumbe heard that there was a confirmed cholera case at Chinehasha Health Centre in Chiweshe, he quickly mobilised medicines ...Published: 06 Mar 2024 at 23:11hrs | 19 | by Thomas Murisa
Lilstock Dam at Chinehasha, the new tourist destination in Chiweshe.
Development starts with good roads, especially the modern macadamised passageways. The investor intent on turning Lilstock Dam shores at Chinehasha in Chiweshe into a sort-after holiday resort has wel...Published: 11 Oct 2023 at 22:21hrs | 27 | by Thomas Murisa
Hooliganism cannot be part of the beautiful game.
If my memory serves me well, not long ago ZRP was allocated some state-of-the-art helicopters to assist in their policing duties which at times can be quite challenging. One would think those ...Published: 19 Sep 2023 at 23:23hrs | | by Thomas Murisa
The war of liberation was not a stroll in the park
Seized by the prophetic words of the mystic and condemned Mbuya Nehanda, "My bones will rise again", young Jorum left home without telling anyone. School, parents and siblings did not matter anymore, ...Published: 08 Aug 2023 at 19:26hrs | 14 | by Thomas Murisa
E-passport Offices at Concession are a pleasure to visit
Visiting government offices for whatever reason is usually viewed and weighed with disdain by many for fear of delays and poor service delivery. After procrastinating for over two weeks, me an...Published: 22 Jul 2023 at 13:36hrs | 48 | by Thomas Murisa
The rains are here but no cattle
The Heavens have signalled intention to unleash copious rains on the land. A blessed part of native Africa that we call home, the land of Ophie where gold has become emblematic and a second name. ...Published: 25 Oct 2021 at 15:25hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Rebellious youths must heed wise counsel
In the news, both print and electronic media, cases of bizarre happenings are now common. Maybe telltale signs of a world coming to an end. Call it end times. A Form One student hung himself b...Published: 20 Oct 2021 at 19:05hrs | 11 | by Thomas Murisa
Zesa where is your conscience, heart and professionalism
My 'beef' with Zesa is denying me the chance to watch my favourite local drama 'Tunga'. I am an avid follower of that local series but alas, I have now lost track, only fading memories still lingers. ...Published: 03 Sep 2019 at 20:32hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
ZBC radio licencing law needs overhauling
Earphones in place, unkempt hair and in tight dropped jeans, the young man shakes his head as if stung by an African bee. ZBC Mbare studious are on air beaming 'Dzatakakusarudzirai, no wonder ...Published: 27 Aug 2019 at 07:58hrs | 653 | by Thomas Murisa
Never promise anyone something you are never sure to fulfil
The residents of Msasa Park in Harare have not yet experienced the changes in load-shedding from Phase 2 to Phase 1. People are still being subjected to seventeen hours of power outages ...Published: 21 Aug 2019 at 08:45hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
We need Zupco buses in Chiwesh, Mashonaland Central
The frequency of kombi arrivals and departure in rural Chiweshe, Mash. Central are not amusing. This is one area where tobacco farming was 'born' and got 'raised' elsewhere. The communal farme...Published: 17 Aug 2019 at 10:49hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Civil partnership proposal found no takers
What a sigh of relief, the Emperor shot down the Civil Partnership proposal that was to be sneaked stealthily into the Marriages Act. Now men can sleep peacefully except for a few spouses whos...Published: 06 Aug 2019 at 20:05hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
Alcohol and drugs are ruining the youths
For many a youth today alcohol is their strongest weakness. Some think the wise waters can provide refuge and comfort from the prevailing hardships yet the opposite is the gospel truth. Many p...Published: 05 Aug 2019 at 14:30hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
The truth shall set every suspect free
ZACC has said it loudly and clearly that when reporting cases of corruption they need evidence (call them V11). How about instances where tell-tale signs are so glaring but no tangible evidence, will ...Published: 03 Aug 2019 at 16:46hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Everything happens at 'The Appointed' times
The Almighty knows what the future holds for everyone of us, even when our demise is. All this happens at the 'appointed times' no matter one wishes otherwise. Despite circumstances surroundin...Published: 01 Aug 2019 at 10:53hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Another murder, another funeral
Civil partnership, I don't know whether to cry, laugh or simply throw hands up in the air in despair and disgust. Fellow countrymen is this coming from Zimbabweans or some third hand is forcing it dow...Published: 31 Jul 2019 at 08:18hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
These fuel queues you see today will be no more
Austerity, who are your parents and why not relenting? You are invisible but effects, signs and symptoms. Fathers and mothers are moonlighting on vending sojourns to make ends come nearer, never mind ...Published: 29 Jul 2019 at 15:12hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa.
Corruption has become endemic a pandemic
My memory is either clouded or crowded, maybe erasing some irrelevant stuff would help. This Hon. Minister of Labour and Social Welfare whose name keep popping up in the NSSA saga, was she not...Published: 28 Jul 2019 at 17:58hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Let the children play
Education is the only investment with zero risk but, this ECD (a) seem to have robbed toddlers of 'babyhood'.Two year kids and some near there are ripped from their mothers' bosoms whimpering ...Published: 25 Jul 2019 at 09:06hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
ZACC contact details are a public secret
Now that devolution funds are being disbursed, it's not an opportunity for self-enrichment and scandals galore. That 'treasonous' me-only attitude must be done away with. There may be some sha...Published: 24 Jul 2019 at 12:42hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
Everyone knew the village girl Harugovanwe
In the village everybody new the girl Harugovanwe, her name implying (death cannot be shared) on account of being the only surviving child of her parents after five siblings had passed on. ...Published: 24 Jul 2019 at 12:39hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
ZACC contact details are a public secret, use devolution funds wisely
Now that devolution funds are being disbursed, its not an opportunity for self-enrichment and scandals galore. That 'treasonous' me-only attitude must be done away with. There may be some shar...Published: 23 Jul 2019 at 14:31hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
The Gems deserve better than that Chipe... something
Forget the Warriors that were recently aptly coined 'Worries' after their dismal performance at Afcon in Egypt and their 'turncoat' 13th man goalkeeper. That Chipe.....something man was no goalkeeping...Published: 22 Jul 2019 at 12:17hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
Reports that Gems are receiving the shorter end of the monetary stick are disturbing
Some career political propagandists are now so desperate for 'musical chairs' on the political arena that social media is ablaze with hilarious comments and derogatory satirical caricature. 'T...Published: 22 Jul 2019 at 12:16hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Solar energy is forever
Working for yesteryears PTC was everyone's aspiration and great wish. The entity was in comfort zone, it considered postage stamp sales its cash cow and permanent source of huge revenues till 'boys ca...Published: 17 Jul 2019 at 20:56hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
NSSA pensioners are 'roasting wire' with poverty
Pensioners are too weak to threaten anyone, their voices are hoarse with age rendering them voiceless and above all, dementia is now noticeable among most of them. Issues concerning pensioners...Published: 17 Jul 2019 at 20:46hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Investigate the Pay-for-your-house Scheme of the 90s
Why is everyone quiet? Why the deafening silence? The Pay-for-your-house Scheme of the 90s was never transparent, contributors lost large amounts of money towards a government initiated housing scheme...Published: 17 Jul 2019 at 20:38hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
Idolization of the clergy is idolatry
Prosperity Gospel Prophets and most politicians are two sides of the same coin whose strongest weapon to win followers and supporters is lies. Call it 'raw lies'. They tell people what they wa...Published: 14 Jul 2019 at 22:42hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Chief Makope is a traditional leader par excellence
Half a dozen elderly Chiweshe men were recently slapped with a 16 cows fine and a few goats for delving in 'immoral witchcraft', blue-toothing and violating women without their knowledge. Chie...Published: 11 Jul 2019 at 19:38hrs | 9 | by Thomas Murisa
I downed a quart of beer without paying
What a great sigh of relief, my favourite Lion Lager beer is now retailing at 6 RTGS a quart from OK outlets. I could not help it but smile as I walked with a spring in my step towards the Liquor Corn...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:32hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
False prophets are worsening the Zimbabwe situation
May the 'dollar now' Prophets, politicians and the so called analysts stop prophesying, theorising and hypothesising about our situation. All that we need is a commoner's life where we have af...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:29hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
Mai Tombi's bananas are now 50 cents each
Aaah! I am tempted to believe magic is for real, abracadabra. How can 2 lts cooking oil price climb down from 21 rtgs to 16 rtgs in one week at TM Chadcombe? Even anointing oil cannot match that...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:27hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa
Who turned off the water taps at Henderson Research Station at Mazowe?
Most people from Mash. Central know and have passed through Henderson Research Station at Mazowe, that epitome of agricultural research and development. Lush green paddocks and the lively 'app...Published: 03 Jul 2019 at 19:32hrs | 2 | by Thomas Murisa.
The funeral that is refusing to go
I am not a financial fundi neither am I an accounting apprentice, far from it but there is quiet mourning on the forex black market with rates looking the other way. Well, funerals and parties...Published: 03 Jul 2019 at 19:30hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
Thievocracy! - Are all those nice houses through the sweat of our brow?
A rumour, a big tangible rumour with a very visible shadow is doing rounds. ZESA paid 4.9 million dollars (green backs I suspect) for transformers that were never delivered to this day from 2013. Are ...Published: 01 Jul 2019 at 09:21hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Stop the stigmatization, vitiligo is not a disease
Years ago at some village in the communal lands a young girl slowly started 'turning white', from the arms up to the face. The rumour-mill worked overtime with some people labelling her a witc...Published: 26 Jun 2019 at 21:08hrs | 3 | by Thomas Murisa
Some road construction companies short-changed us
Most urban roads and streets constructed during the colonial era are not damaged and potholed as those made after Uhuru. The colonial roads are still trafficable though in dire need of repairs...Published: 26 Jun 2019 at 20:46hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa.
Empower the girl child through education
Child prostitution and drug abuse, the rising social ills in towns and cities, border posts and growth points included. Juveniles are going 'commando' at night with all caution thrown to the wind. ...Published: 20 Jun 2019 at 21:04hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
The singing and dancing is still going on
Household economies tend to zero in on one person or a couple if the marriage is still without 'cracks and bruises'. When needs and wants outpace incomes its the father who loses sleep pondering on ho...Published: 20 Jun 2019 at 13:08hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Can someone help those who lost money on the botched Pay-For-Your-House scheme
What is government policy on those who lost out on its Pay-For-Your-House scheme of the 90s? Many people contributed towards the scheme with the hope of getting a roof over their heads but qui...Published: 19 Jun 2019 at 21:43hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
Proceeds of thigh vending are detestable to the Most High
Prosperity gospel, what is wrong or right with it? God is the Creator of everything, why should the children of the Almighty wallow in poverty? Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were very rich, favours...Published: 19 Jun 2019 at 07:52hrs | 1 | by Thomas Murisa
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