Columnist / Tondo chinehasha
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
Zimbabwean cuisine is very diverse and varied just like its cultures and languages. The staple food is sadza, pap, that can also be called differently by minority tribes. Sadza features in most ...Published: 13 Jun 2024 at 22:13hrs | | by Tondo Chinehasha
His haircuts are turning heads
Toddlers, juveniles, teens, adults and octogenarians, they all flock to Alexio's Barbershop. Sometimes we even see stampedes during school recess as each learner hurries to be in front of the queue to...Published: 15 Mar 2024 at 13:17hrs | 124 | by Tondo Chinehasha
Fighting cholera begins with you
Clean potable water is a precious commodity that should be availed to all without hindrance. In fact, water is life especially these days when the nation is under siege from a deadly cholera onslaught...Published: 11 Feb 2024 at 22:36hrs | 1 | by Tondo Chinehasha
Avoid starting uncontrolled veld fires
Scampering for safety, various creep-crawlies and fauna can sense looming danger before we do. Turning around to scan the sprawling meadows and fields, smoke was billowing in the distance with ferocio...Published: 29 Aug 2021 at 07:09hrs | | by Tondo Chinehasha
Animals do not burn your houses, why burn theirs?
Mr Chibage was a later day Goliath, both is stature, macho and all. A staggering six footer who caused nerve jarring and hair raising when it came to being physical. Men of his time in Chinehasha Vill...Published: 24 Jun 2021 at 09:55hrs | | by Tondo Chinehasha
Animals do not burn your houses, why burn theirs?
Scampering for safety, various creep crawlies and fauna can sense looming danger before we do. Turning around to scan the sprawling meadows and fields, smoke was billowing in the distance with ferocio...Published: 24 Jun 2021 at 09:52hrs | | by Tondo Chinehasha
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