Columnist / Velempini ndlovu
How a Customary Marriage is dissolved in South Africa
In South Africa, the definition of a customary marriage by the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 (RCMA) is that it is one that is "negotiated, celebrated or concluded according to any...Published: 03 Nov 2018 at 08:03hrs | 2 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Beware of Nelson Chamisa's cultural appropriation
While some might see nothing wrong with this picture I see cultural appropriation.Cultural appropriation is when somebody adopts aspects of a culture that's not their own. But that's only the ...Published: 26 May 2018 at 18:06hrs | 1 | by Velempini Ndlovu
ZEP permits all to be issued by the end of September 2018
Speaking at a media briefing on the uptake of the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) the Director General of the South African Department of Home Affairs Mkuseli Apleni said he expects all ZEP permits to...Published: 10 Nov 2017 at 21:05hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Myth or reality: The raid by Ndebeles of Shona cattle and women
A lot has been said recently about alleged raids carried out by the Ndebele State on their then neighbours in 19th century. I say alleged because while some think it is a forgone conclusion that the r...Published: 18 Mar 2017 at 06:59hrs | 65 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Getting a birth certificate for your child if you're a foreigner in South Africa
Many a foreign parent living legally in SA either do not know the procedure of getting a birth certificate for their child born here in SA or never bother to even try because going to home affairs off...Published: 09 Feb 2017 at 12:36hrs | 2 | by Velempini Ndlovu
The enemy is still Mugabe...
I have just read the most bizarre opinion piece titled 'Endgame - The right side is Mugabe's side Mthwakazi!' in ...Published: 10 Aug 2016 at 15:30hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Time for Zimbabweans to embrace online shopping stores, especially local ones
With consumer habits projected to change in the near future on the African continent and shoppers in other advanced economies already used to online stores for buying anything from books, pizza to cam...Published: 11 Jun 2016 at 13:00hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
General Procedure: Application for Asylum and Refugee Status in South Africa
An Asylum Seeker He is a person who has fled his or her country of origin and is seeking recognition and protection as a refugee in the Republic of Sout...Published: 01 Apr 2016 at 13:39hrs | 1 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Ithemba alibulali
Akuzange kwethuse muntu ukuthi uThuli* wayephumelela ezifundweni zakhe kusukela kubanga lesine kusiyafika kwelesitshumi lambili. Wayehlala esedlula abantwana bonke ayefunda labo kuzo zonke izifundo ay...Published: 01 Apr 2016 at 08:21hrs | 1 | by Velempini Ndlovu
'Sibandlululwa ndawo zombili'
Ilotshwe nguVelempini Tshaka Mgazo Tshanikwe Silunde Ndlovu Kujwayelekile ukuthi uzwe umuntu oyisizalwane se Ningizimu Africa engathi uyakuncoma yena ebheda esithi "Awubukeki njengomuntu ...Published: 30 Mar 2016 at 19:20hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Ingcazelo yamaphupho - Ukuphupha uhlanza inhlanzi ephilayo
Ukuphupha uhlanza kungatsho izinto ezinengi. Kungatsho ukuthi kumele ubisele lokho olakho kodwa okungayisikho kwakho kumnikazi, kungatsho lokuthi ulemfihlo ofuna ukuyikhipha kumbe njalo kungatsho ukut...Published: 03 Mar 2016 at 09:31hrs | 9 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Promoting meaningful closeness in relationships
For partners to create long term satisfying relationship more than love is needed. What is needed is meaning closeness that comes from both partners being intentional in the use of time they spe...Published: 29 Dec 2015 at 15:47hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Is South Africa really 'bombarded by foreigners'?
There is a perception that has never been successfully debunked that South Africa accounts for the biggest influx of migrants in the world outside of the EU.This perception started when Ch...Published: 22 May 2015 at 06:12hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Kalangas are not a lesser tribe
Owing to statements vomited by his not so excellent robert mgabe who has been misruling that unfortunate country without a currency for thirty five years I thought I would share a story I witnesse...Published: 01 May 2015 at 06:24hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Tough being a poor black child in South Africa
Above is a photo I took on 08 April 2015 at around 10:00 am. What I observed happening between those two boys, one white and one black broke my heart and made me cry, literally. Let me narrate the...Published: 09 Apr 2015 at 07:30hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Zimbabwe Special Permit: the facts
The following is the PDF by VFS officials presented at a stakeholders meeting held between the home affairs department and Zimbabweans representing various organisations. It is being published t...Published: 20 Sep 2014 at 08:17hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
When is it the right time to turn off life support machines?
This is a topic not many people think about, but one that should be talked about amongst family members. If you were placed on life support, who would you want to be your legal representative? A...Published: 27 Jun 2013 at 14:43hrs | 2 | by Velempini Ndlovu
What went wrong in Zimbabwe?
Thirty-three years ago the Republic of Zimbabwe was one of the richest countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It produced enough maize to feed the whole of Southern Africa. A newly independent state, blesse...Published: 24 Jun 2013 at 20:02hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
We need to bury our dead and then bring Gukurahundi perpetrators to justice
It is our duty to remember and honour the Gukurahundi victims. We need to bring perpetrators of the genocide to justice then bury our dead before we can talk about any compensation whatsoever. Those ...Published: 23 May 2013 at 14:19hrs | 2 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - Imikhokha lezigameko ezithile ezinganhle
Idlozi liyakwazi ukuziveza emuntwini ngezigameko ezithile ezingajwayelekanga. Kwesinye isikhathi kuvele kufike umuntu axoxe lawe indaba ezinkulu lezi ezikwethusayo ngoba ungazizwisisi. Kum...Published: 14 Apr 2013 at 07:39hrs | 6 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - amaphupho
Amaphupho ngenye yendlela amadlozi aziveza ngayo kulabo abaseduze lawo. (Vilakazi. 1986 : 14). Lendlela yokuziveza kwamadlozi ibukeka inhle kakhulu ngoba idlozi liletha umbiko kumuntu oqondene l...Published: 12 Apr 2013 at 13:34hrs | 10 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Indlela amadlozi abonakala ngayo - Inyoka
Amadlozi aziveza ngendlela ezehlukeneyo ebantwini. Ngesinye isikhathi avakatshela imideni yawo. Kanti ayenelisa lokuhambela noma abantu abangasona zihlobo zawo nxa ekubuke akuthanda nje. Inkol...Published: 08 Apr 2013 at 11:34hrs | 3256 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Amadlozi lamabizo ahlukeneyo abizwa ngawo
YINI AMADLOZI?Amadlozi ngabantu bakithi abangasekho emhlabeni. Laba bantu bagcina imindeni yabo, bayivikele kukho konke okubi. Yikho kulesaga esithi. ...Published: 04 Apr 2013 at 08:44hrs | 56 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Lessons from the work and life of Chinua Achebe
Achebe's work showed how so called Western civilisation reduced Africa to a horrifyingly barren land. Africans who are owners of the land are exhausted by years of backbreaking work,...Published: 23 Mar 2013 at 05:33hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Why we will continue to die on our roads
South Africa ranks among African countries with the highest rates of death arising from road accidents and this despite the fact that the African continent is one of the least motorised regions...Published: 18 Mar 2013 at 11:51hrs | 1 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Cohabitation (ukuhlalisana), is this a new type of marriage?
While in the past it used to be almost taboo cohabitation in the Southern Africa has increased by a phenomenal percentage in the past half century. In 1960s, it was unheard of for unmarrie...Published: 14 Mar 2013 at 10:57hrs | 2 | by Velempini Ndlovu
Just how much is the life of an African worth?
It pains me to start by the conclusion but facts and figures I am faced with show me that we Africans do not have regard or value another African's life. In America it is calculated that an citizen's&...Published: 28 Feb 2013 at 11:32hrs | | by Velempini Ndlovu
Internet activism. Does it work in Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe has an estimated population of about 12,619,600. In year 2000 only about 50,000 people in Zimbabwe used the internet as of December 2012 that number had increase to 1,981,277&nbs...Published: 25 Feb 2013 at 08:53hrs | 1 | by Velempini Ndlovu
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