Columnist / Vince musewe
$100 billion economy in 15 years possible at 7% per annum growth
As far as I am concerned the role of leadership is to define a compelling vision underpinned by a collective value system. We tend to debate endlessly on the how and yet that is a creative pro...Published: 04 Sep 2017 at 16:52hrs | | by Vince Musewe (Economist)
Vince Musewe on leadership
The toxicity of self interest packaged as revolutionary politics will remain a comedy of men and women whose only concern is their stomach.I just wish at times we would all think of future gen...Published: 24 Aug 2017 at 10:11hrs | | by Vince Musewe - Economist
The irrationality of it all
Every society demands progress and those that lead it must continually demonstrate not only their competence, but their moral obligation and self responsibility to do whatever it takes to enha...Published: 22 Aug 2017 at 07:05hrs | | by Vince Musewe - Economist
Key conditions for Zimbabwe's economic reconstruction
"The problems we face can never be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them" (Albert Einstein)As PDP we will continue the think ahead and proffer solutions in o...Published: 17 Aug 2016 at 08:52hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe
Evan Mawarire where are you?
"Leadership to me, is really about being in a position to face the same risk and take the same bold steps that you expect those who choose to follow you to mirror"I was watching a video on...Published: 14 Aug 2016 at 16:47hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe
Re-inventing our Great Zimbabwe
It's been a long time coming, but surely change is going to come? "If we are going to suffer and be denied resources by outsiders, them demanding that they should do as they like in our c...Published: 24 Jun 2016 at 09:38hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Joint statement by MDC-T and PDP on the IMF Visit
Only substantive political and economic reforms can save Zimbabwe Professor Erik Reinert, a well-known developmental economist, in his book titled-How t...Published: 16 Jun 2016 at 06:37hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
The RBZ must come clean
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor, John Mangudya and Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa have not been honest to the people of Zimbabwe on the true causes of the current cash crisis and the r...Published: 15 Jun 2016 at 16:21hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
Dictators never voluntarily leave office
Societies which are oppressed cannot expect to attain their freedom gradually or by negotiation at the pleasure of the oppressor, there has to be some sort of radical rapture from the past ...Published: 03 Jun 2016 at 06:51hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe
The beginning of the end
You can have any currency you want as long as it is in Bond Notes - this is most likely to happen in Zimbabwe in the near future as the economy runs out of steam. It once happened to me with A...Published: 06 May 2016 at 14:10hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
Chinamasa continues to fuel the looting machine
As the People's Democratic Party (PDP), we are rather surprised that Parliament has once more approved a further $98, 6 million loan from the Export Import Bank of China to fund TelOne's backbone netw...Published: 08 Apr 2016 at 13:47hrs | | by Vince Musewe - Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP Weekly Policy Brief - The urgency of establishing a National Technical Transition Council (NTTC)
Our beloved country, Zimbabwe, is in crisis and we can confirm that we now have a leaderless and rudderless failed state which needs immediate emergency rescue.There is no doubt in our minds a...Published: 07 Apr 2016 at 14:19hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP statement on TelOne Loan - Chinamasa continues to fuel the looting machine
We are rather surprised that Parliament has once more approved a further $98, 6 million loan from the Export Import Bank of China to fund TelOne's backbone network expansion. This comes as a closely r...Published: 06 Apr 2016 at 13:52hrs | | by Vince Musewe - Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
The urgency of establishing a National Technical Transition Council (NTTCC) - PDP Weekly Policy Brief
Our beloved country, Zimbabwe, is in crisis and we can confirm that we now have a leaderless and rudderless failed state which needs immediate emergency rescue.There is no doubt in our minds a...Published: 05 Apr 2016 at 09:04hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDO Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
We should not give Zanu PF more time to destroy economy
The problems we face in Zimbabwe can never be resolved at the same level of thinking which created them in the first place.Zimbabwe is now one of Africa's poorest and most repressed economies ...Published: 30 Mar 2016 at 11:25hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
The only thing Zanu-PF is good at is at destroying value
The problems we face in Zimbabwe can never be resolved at the same level of thinking which created them in the first place.Zimbabwe is now one of Africa's poorest and most repressed economies ...Published: 29 Mar 2016 at 08:58hrs | | by Vince Musewe - Economist and PDP Secretary for Finance and Econ Affairs
Mugabe endorsement of Zhuwao vindicates PDP
President Robert Mugabe's endorsement of his nephew and Minister of Indigenisation Patrick Zhuwao's controversial and meaningless directive to close all foreign companies which have not complied with ...Published: 24 Mar 2016 at 11:18hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Finance and Economic Affairs Secretary
PDP statement on corruption within the State
In Zimbabwe we therefore have a typical example of "state capture" by ZANU (PF) and a sitting President. From what has been reported in the press and on social media with regard to corrup...Published: 23 Mar 2016 at 09:40hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
Patrick Zhuwao's youth empowerment model misguided
Issue date 22/03/2016The recent threat by the Indigenisation and Youth Empowerment Minister Patrick Zhuwao to close down companies that do not comply with the Indigenisation Act by 1 A...Published: 22 Mar 2016 at 08:30hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP Weekly Economic Policy Brief
This week under our HOPE series of articles, we look at the 5th economic enabler which is Industrialisation and Private Sector Development.At the outset, it is important that Zimbabweans in ge...Published: 22 Mar 2016 at 07:56hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
Zimbabwe's impending hunger - A clear example of Mugabe's dereliction of duty
"True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the 'rejects of life', to extend their trembling ha...Published: 16 Mar 2016 at 09:22hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP response to recent IMF visit under the SMP
"Economic difficulties have deepened and Zimbabwe cannot wait and needs to act now. A comprehensive and ambitious economic transformation program is needed to revive the Zimbabwean economy and to ceme...Published: 11 Mar 2016 at 06:58hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
When absolute power breeds absolute failure
Truly what shall it benefit any man when he gains all the power he could have but loses his own soul? Mugabe has clearly shown us that he does not care about the plight of the millions of...Published: 10 Mar 2016 at 18:57hrs | | by Vince Musewe
PDP position on the Land Compensation Fund Framework
The People's Democratic Party (PDP) welcomes the proposed establishment of the Land Compensation Fund (LCF) which seeks to attract resources for the compensation of commercial farmers whose properties...Published: 10 Mar 2016 at 06:51hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs.
PDP 10 Keys to Prosperity - A new Zimbabwe is possible!
The People's Democratic Party (PDP) has identified "ten keys to prosperity" which will allow us transform Zimbabwe from a predatory exclusive state into a prosperous inclusive developmental state. ...Published: 08 Mar 2016 at 09:46hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
A State monopoly on diamonds will not necessarily benefit Zimbabweans
As far as the PDP is concerned, a State monopoly on diamonds will not necessarily benefit Zimbabweans. In fact the consolidation of this sector into one government controlled entity will result in a l...Published: 04 Mar 2016 at 18:54hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
Chinamasa responsible for cash crunch
The debilitating cash crunch that bank depositors are facing is clear indication of a broader economic crisis which the Mugabe regime is facing and is in large parts responsible for. It further expose...Published: 03 Mar 2016 at 14:09hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP Weekly Economic Policy Brief - Zimbabwe's key economic enablers
So far, as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) we have articulated our policies based on our economic blue print HOPE (Holistic Program for Economic Transformation) on the pre-requisites for macro-econ...Published: 01 Mar 2016 at 07:37hrs | | by Vince Musewe - PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
PDP weekly economic policy brief - Zimbabwe's key economic enablers
ZANU (PF) has failed to unlock the potential of our country. The key reason for this is the lack of an inclusive national socio economic vision, chronic leadership failure, patronage, greed, corruptio...Published: 16 Feb 2016 at 07:52hrs | | by Vince Musewe PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs
ZANU PF congress - a gathering of looters
ZANU PF's annual bootlicking shindig interestingly called People's Conference has come and gone. The dust is settling and there is no doubt that some are now counting their heavy losses including a nu...Published: 17 Dec 2015 at 21:05hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Moses Chamboko
A response to Wilbert Mukori by Musewe
"See ye first the political freedom and everything else shall be added unto you" is a myth, a monumental lie, a delusion that assumes political power will necessarily result in economic freedom and de...Published: 13 Oct 2015 at 12:09hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe
Can Mujuru-Tsvangirai team stop Zanu-PF?
It is time to take an unorthodox political approach in order to achieve different results. The on-going by-elections are a clear reflection that Zanu-PF will never change. As long as we retain the cur...Published: 01 May 2015 at 09:44hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Happy birthday Mr President!
Well here we are, you are 91 now! What a feat and what a roller-coaster of a life! I am sure sometimes you pinch yourself just to check if all this is all real. Well, congratulations to you and I ...Published: 05 Mar 2015 at 06:11hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Mphoko's comments offensive
Zimbabwe will only change when we have new leaders who have a value system that respects our dignity and seeks to find solutions to our problems - and not blame others for the circumstances we have cr...Published: 11 Feb 2015 at 22:22hrs | | by Vince Musewe
The Grace Mugabe political sideshow
The view that Mugabe can secure Grace's political future is a pipe dream. President Mugabe is at it again; reframing the succession problem which h...Published: 04 Sep 2014 at 08:11hrs | | by Vince Musewe
The Zimbabwe we want - Mining resources are the catalyst for future growth
Chapter 10Zimbabwe's mining resources have a huge potential to drive economic growth source of revenue to develop infrastructure and to start an ind...Published: 08 Jun 2014 at 19:17hrs | | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Agriculture revival must focus on food security
Chapter 9 The primary national priority is to achieve national food security. We cannot have a situation where we have to import food while we have ...Published: 11 May 2014 at 16:56hrs | | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - A Sovereign Wealth Fund is critical to development
Chapter 8: In the Zimbabwe we want, a Sovereign Wealth Fund must be managed as the country's endowment to future generations. It is not a fund to be...Published: 14 Apr 2014 at 08:19hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Education is a non-negotiable right
Chapter 7The advancement of any country is solely dependent on the levels of education of its people. In the Zimbabwe we want, education must be a ...Published: 08 Apr 2014 at 15:03hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Corruption retards our development
Corruption is a mind-set; it is a value system that is exacerbated by sheer greed and lack of accountability. There are various levels of corruption from petty corruption, which is very easy to ge...Published: 16 Feb 2014 at 14:48hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Private enterprise is the key driver of growth
Chapter FiveIn the Zimbabwe we want, we need to capture this spirit of entrepreneurship to drive our economic growth and development. There ...Published: 09 Feb 2014 at 11:05hrs | | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Focusing on the important things
Chapter Four In the Zimbabwe we want, all citizens must openly debate all issues so that we may come up with better and smarter solutions. Iron shar...Published: 02 Feb 2014 at 06:48hrs | | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - The state must not be predatory
Chapter ThreeA predatory state stifles potential and creates a patronage system that leads to the mismanagement and misallocation of resources. A pr...Published: 26 Jan 2014 at 15:35hrs | | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
How fear has arrested Zimbabwe's potential
In this paper we want to look at how Zimbabweans have for the last 34 years operated under an environment of fear and how this has limited the country's potential.Political leadership by fear ...Published: 19 Jan 2014 at 21:04hrs | 1 | by Vince Musewe & Elton Mangoma
The Zimbabwe we want - Good leadership is everything
Chapter One: Good leadership is everything.The system we have is not producing the leaders we want and so we must change the system to get different results.Unless we spend time in...Published: 12 Jan 2014 at 14:45hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Elton Mangoma
When small men cast big shadows
The time has come for us to shed all fear and reservation and reshape our politics once and for all."When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set." This ...Published: 27 Mar 2013 at 15:01hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Zimbabwe; what if ZANU (PF) wins
Never say never, because politics is an unpredictable and dirty game.A colleague of mine posed to me a very fascinating mental challenge the other day. She challenged me to imagine what would...Published: 09 Dec 2012 at 11:31hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Zimbabwe pushing the boundaries of democracy
The "race to the bottom" in Zimbabwe is characterized today, by an economy of patronage and plunder which will take more to reverse, than merely exposing political deception.This is the second...Published: 05 Aug 2012 at 15:44hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Zimbabwe; key factors to prosperity - part 2
The curse of Africa is its inability to efficiently allocate and spend its resources mainly due to corruption and the lack of managerial capacity.In my last article I identified some key...Published: 25 Jun 2012 at 07:20hrs | | by Vince Musewe
Zimbabwe is poised for a great future
Zanu-PF has made some significant mistakes in the past but I must say its policies during the first decade of independence have created some positive factors that can hardly be reversedYou are...Published: 04 Jun 2012 at 09:26hrs | | by Vince Musewe
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