Columnist / Wangu-mine
Chamisa continues to shine
The radiance and excellence of MDC founding member Adv. Chamisa seems to be shining slightly less than that which blinded Saul just before his conversion to Paul - for God has neither an equivalent no...Published: 21 Oct 2015 at 21:29hrs | 1 | by Wangu-Mine
Zimbabwe has gone to the dogs
The economic, social and political freefall of the once envied teapot shaped country of Madzimbabwe has reached alarming proportions.At a time when the general citizenry is walloping in po...Published: 12 Jul 2015 at 11:00hrs | 1 | by Wangu-Mine
Is democracy Africa's share?
For the people By the people With the people Democracy, Democracy Is democracy Africa's share? Africa, Africa, Africa The cradle of mankind A land of possibil...Published: 31 Mar 2015 at 10:15hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
Mugabe fails to builds a nation and looks upto Tsvangirai to save the situation
Embattled Nikuv installed president of Zimbabwe has both failed to plan to build a nation in and the same breath has planned to fail the people of Zimbabwe.According to Amon Ndlovu, an exiled ...Published: 06 Mar 2015 at 15:58hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
Mugabe believes that only Tsvangirai can save Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is a land of possibilities, the unexpected - all in abundance in the tea-pot shaped landmass affectionately called Zimbabwe.Not in a dream but in the closest reality. A reality ne...Published: 05 Mar 2015 at 16:12hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
Mugabe emissaries join Tsvangirai in the 'Last Supper' Celebrations
Mugabe is now an isolated figure, no one still needs him at the helm. A man disowned by his former trusted lieutenants is now cutting a lone figure in the domestic circles and the last ditch is his j...Published: 22 Feb 2015 at 10:56hrs | 1 | by Wangu-Mine
Tsvangirai Youths snub Mugabe as he arrives for the last supper bash in SA
SADC Chairperson, President Robert Mugabe has arrived in South Africa to attend the LAST SUPPER BASH under the guise of a SADC extra-ordinary Troika meeting in Pretoria.The meeting which the n...Published: 19 Feb 2015 at 16:20hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
Zambians show Africa how to deal with despots like Mugabe
Having been out of Zimbabwe for 37days, Mugabe hit the skies leaving for Zambia within 24hours of landing into a country he has destroyed and true to my earlier observation he too doesn't want to...Published: 27 Jan 2015 at 17:13hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
Mugabe's wish fulfilled as tortured Senior MDC-T leader dies in South Africa
It is with sadness that the MDC T announces to the world the untimely death of senior party provincial leader, Charles Matorera.At the time of his shocking torture induced departure, the MDC T...Published: 26 Jan 2015 at 09:09hrs | | by Wangu-Mine
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