Columnist / Whitlaw mugwiji
Women can think on their own
When Fadzai Mahere expressed her desire to stand as an independent candidate, many people accused her of being used by Zanu PF to split the opposition vote. Having listened to the people's concerns, w...Published: 19 Apr 2018 at 11:21hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
With or without Khupe, red army will march on
Alex Magaisa, in a blog post titled The day after Tsvangirai, rightly pointed out that what is currently obtaining in the MDC-T is purely politics.I share the same view.I believe these...Published: 09 Mar 2018 at 06:40hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
MDC-T succession wrangles: Behave or ship out
Mukoma Alex Magaisa in his blog post titled The day after Tsvangirai rightly pointed out, that what is currently obtaining in the MDCT is purely politics. I too share the same view. I believe these MD...Published: 08 Mar 2018 at 12:21hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
The Election Season
The bible tells us that to everything there is a season. Surely, you do not have to listen to Zanu PF jingles on radio to know that it is election season in Zimbabwe. Just the rate at which new player...Published: 23 Jul 2017 at 12:56hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Equal representation and the myth of meritocracy
At the inaugural Women Electoral Convergence meeting in Bulawayo, participants under the shevote banner demanded equal representation for women in the 2018 elections. Showing their seriousness, female...Published: 10 Jul 2017 at 13:15hrs | 2 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Generation 40 young but old Zanu-PF
Even after purging Mujuru and her colleagues, factionalism remains rife within Zanu PF. Mugabe knows that his leadership can only be secure when there is division and infighting in Zanu PF. In 2013, t...Published: 13 Jun 2017 at 15:55hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
2018 ELECTION: If we fail to prepare then we must prepare to fail
Our ancestors were wise enough to know that after a terrible misfortune in the family they had to consult spiritual diviners and get answers to the many questions they had. It still remains a mystery ...Published: 31 May 2017 at 14:39hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Racism and prejudice, my personal encounters
Racism is a difficult and heavy subject to discuss, more so immediately after having such a beautiful holiday. My wife bears me witness, we had a lovely time in Hersonissos. Walking on the edges of th...Published: 24 May 2017 at 11:02hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
In defence of the people's project against detractors: The Coalition project
Benjamin Franklin aptly put it when he said any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools actually do. No sooner had the ink dried on the signed memorandum of understanding between Mujur...Published: 23 Apr 2017 at 09:53hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
In defense of the coalition project: A response to Farai Maguwu & misguided others
Benjamin Franklin aptly put it when he said any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools actually do. No sooner had the ink dried on the signed memorandum of understanding between Mujur...Published: 22 Apr 2017 at 17:40hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
How long shall Africa rely on Western Benevolence?
With more than 40 million African citizens facing food insecurity and some outright starvation, Donald Trump's proposal to cut the American aid budget by 38% couldn't have come at a worse time. It is ...Published: 26 Mar 2017 at 22:34hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Jacob Zuma, help us help you resolve this immigration headache
According to an article on Africa Check's website, the number of Zimbabweans living in South Africa cannot be substantiated. The South African official figures have loads of discrepancies and data...Published: 05 Mar 2017 at 16:32hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Political apathy a disease that needs curing
I was lucky to be among 23 student leaders who got scholarships to come and study in the Netherlands after having been expelled from Great Zimbabwe University and banned from attending any other state...Published: 21 Feb 2017 at 21:47hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Mutasa and Gumbo are just dwarfs in large robes
In 2014, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi the foreign affairs minister had the audacity to boast to his peers at the SADC summit held in Victoria falls, saying that even if the economy crumbles, Zimbabweans wil...Published: 13 Feb 2017 at 15:26hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Tichaona Zindoga was right Mutasa and Gumbo are just dwarfs in large robes
In 2014, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi the foreign affairs minister had the audacity to boast to his peers at the SADC summit held in Victoria falls, saying that even if the economy crumbles, Zimbabweans wil...Published: 13 Feb 2017 at 00:09hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Corruption will not fall until Mugabe the godfather of corruption has fallen
Former Hong Kong anti-corruption administrator Bertrand de Speville in his book Overcoming Corruption says, political will is the key driver in fighting corruption. I could not agree more with this st...Published: 06 Feb 2017 at 18:28hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Each generation must fight its own demons
When we were growing up, politics was a pastime activity for the mature and the old. A dangerous pastime so to speak. In those days, people with divergent views from the party and government did not d...Published: 08 Jan 2017 at 17:14hrs | 2 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Our generation needs its own liberation struggle
When we were growing up, politics was a pastime activity for the mature and the old. A dangerous pastime so to speak. In those days, people with divergent views from the party and government did not d...Published: 08 Jan 2017 at 13:45hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji (Khuluma Afrika)
Why Mugabe and Malema are heroes to some
Fidel Castro, one of the world's most iconic leaders of 21st century died aged 90 on Friday. He was a man of contrasting contradictions as one Chofamba Sithole put it. A polarising figure, even i...Published: 28 Nov 2016 at 20:07hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Bond note demo flop: The old is dying, can the new be born?
Ndabaningi Sithole replying to his younger brother in a letter in 1977 raises a very interesting point on renewal and regeneration: 'Seriously though, Mas you and your generation must begin to formula...Published: 21 Nov 2016 at 08:07hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Biti's National Transition Authority a pointless idea for a fruitless exercise
The so much hyped American election has come and gone. Who would have known that the people were so much dissatisfied with the American establishment? They voted for Donald Trump showing their con...Published: 14 Nov 2016 at 07:32hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
We must reject the use of violence as a tool to settle differences, political or otherwise
I had initially planned to pen an article challenging Tendai Biti and his party on their proposal of the National Transitional Authority this week but I just could not bring myself to ignore some vide...Published: 08 Nov 2016 at 07:16hrs | 1 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Mugabe might be a bad leader, but every Zimbabwean is culpable for allowing his misrule
It is a no contest that Robert Mugabe is a horrendous leader. He has overseen 36 years of utter misrule. But more than Mugabe, we must equally blame every Zimbabwean ...Published: 23 Oct 2016 at 06:30hrs | | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
Bond Notes: Our refusal to learn from history
The study of history has a moral purpose, so we are told. It is believed that studying history can create better citizens in a free society. At least this is the shared belief among authors of history...Published: 10 Oct 2016 at 16:40hrs | 6 | by Whitlaw Mugwiji
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