Columnist / Zimvigil
Zimbabwe condones massacre - ZimVigil Diary
Sadly it came as no surprise that the Zanu PF government has refused to criticise Russia for its unprovoked and brutal invasion of neighbouring Ukraine – a close relative and historic friend....Published: 07 Mar 2022 at 06:33hrs | | by ZimVigil Diary
Disquiet over deportations - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
Even after discounting the more questionable assertions by campaigners, disquieting questions remain about the deportation of 14 Zimbabweans from the UK last Wednesday.The UK Home Secretary Pr...Published: 25 Jul 2021 at 22:25hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Virtual reality - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
President Mnangagwa's wealth is estimated at US$500 million by the research company Africa Risk Consultancy (ARC). He heads its list of the wealthiest members of Zimbabwe's 'ruling political elite'....Published: 27 Jun 2021 at 14:26hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Virus out of control - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
The UK is in lockdown, experiencing the highest level of deaths from Covid-19 since the pandemic broke 10 months ago. In all more than 80,000 people here have died of the virus.The disease has...Published: 10 Jan 2021 at 15:17hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Stand up for sit down - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary: 21st November 2020
World Toilet Day on Friday made a bigger splash than this month's third anniversary of the overthrow of Mugabe.Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights called on the Mnangagwa government to ensure th...Published: 23 Nov 2020 at 07:33hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Terrorist threat to region - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
President Mnangagwa has said Zimbabwe will help Mozambique in its struggle against Islamic terrorists in the north of the country. The Mozambiquan government has appealed for international assistance ...Published: 15 Nov 2020 at 16:44hrs | 4 | by ZimVigil
'The full Robert Mugabe' - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
The drama over the US presidential election, with long delays in releasing the results and angry disputes between the Republicans and Democrats, prompted a Vigil supporter to comment: 'They could lear...Published: 09 Nov 2020 at 08:08hrs | 11 | by ZimVigil
Living for the moment - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
It's been a problem for at least 20 years. Despite all the efforts of successive presidents, some Zimbabweans are still apparently dissatisfied. They just don't know what's good for them.One h...Published: 12 Oct 2020 at 08:05hrs | 10 | by ZimVigil
The dictator's handbook
President Mnangagwa appears to have launched the final stage of his plan to eliminate the opposition. This is the obvious inference from the wild accusations made by State Security Minister Owen Ncube...Published: 05 Oct 2020 at 08:14hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
'Return to normalcy'
'Nation embraces Zim dollar . . . Country has returned to normalcy, President says'. This was a headline in the Chronicle. Sadly there is an element of truth in this. What we face is indeed 'normalcy'...Published: 01 Jul 2019 at 07:34hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zanu PF's denial propaganda
Former South African president Thabo Mbeki has urged Mnangagwa to invite a neutral mediator to preside over the talks with the opposition in Zimbabwe. Why has the government media not reported this?...Published: 23 Jun 2019 at 17:15hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Making things simple
Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has a droll sense of humour. He says he decided to name Zimbabwe's latest local currency the RTGS dollar so as not to confuse the public! Of course, even tho...Published: 19 May 2019 at 21:20hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Joyless Mayday
Comrade Mnangagwa's Mayday message to the workers was predictable: everything is going to be better. We know you are being exploited by businessmen's greedy price rises but we demand that employers ra...Published: 05 May 2019 at 14:26hrs | 1 | by zimvigil
Facing the truth - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
'Elements of corruption' is a gross understatement but it was nevertheless a welcome breath of reality from President Mnangagwa in his ZBC television interview on the eve of Independence Day. ...Published: 21 Apr 2019 at 20:07hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
African Union hypocrisy
The African Union's condemnation of the military coup in Sudan exposes the hypocrisy of the organization. The chair of the AU Commission said it was not the appropriate response to the challenges faci...Published: 15 Apr 2019 at 10:10hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
In and out of the news
Cyclone Idai drew world attention to our region at the sharp end of climate change with generous international aid pouring in to help the victims. Zimbabwe was again in the news.There were man...Published: 08 Apr 2019 at 09:00hrs | | by ZimVigil
Sofa not so good
The cyclone that devastated eastern Zimbabwe was predictable. What was also predictable was the failure of the government to prepare for it. Everyone knew it was coming but nothing was done about it a...Published: 24 Mar 2019 at 18:51hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zimbabwe branding:- Lipstick on a pig
Former Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi used to be keen on what he called 'rebranding' Zimbabwe. He could see that the country's image abroad had been tainted by Mugabe's misrule and thought cosmetic pu...Published: 10 Mar 2019 at 21:52hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Our Ponzi country Zimbabwe
A Ponzi scheme, for those unfamiliar with the term, is a way of creaming off money from deluded investors. They initially receive handsome returns but this does not come from profits on their investme...Published: 05 Mar 2019 at 13:39hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Zanu-PF returns to terror tactics
Lawyer and former education minister Dave Coltart has appealed to the world to take action to halt the Mnangagwa regime's terror tactics against the opposition MDC.Senator Coltart was commenti...Published: 24 Feb 2019 at 22:41hrs | | by ZimVigil
Step up Ramaphosa
Mnangagwa's nickname was never complimentary. Crocodiles are feared not admired. There is certainly much to fear in the hooded eyes of Mnangagwa – and nothing to admire in the bare-faced lies he tol...Published: 18 Feb 2019 at 14:36hrs | 2 | by Zimvigil
'Poor, bankrupt, miserable country'
This description by British minister Alan Duncan was spot on. He was speaking on his way to the UN to discuss Venezuela. But he could equally well have been talking about Zimbabwe.Venezuela wa...Published: 29 Jan 2019 at 14:14hrs | 1 | by Zimvigil
'Poor, bankrupt, miserable country' - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
This description by British minister Alan Duncan was spot on. He was speaking on his way to the UN to discuss Venezuela. But he could equally well have been talking about Zimbabwe. Venezu...Published: 28 Jan 2019 at 07:18hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zanu PF goes mad – Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
'Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad', goes the old adage. It seems to be coming true in our new 'reformed' Zimbabwe so warmly welcomed last year by the UK government. The UK is not smilin...Published: 20 Jan 2019 at 09:08hrs | | by ZimVigil
Hypocrisy and self-delusion
Happy Christmas? After a seamless transition from Mugabe's hypocrisy to Mnangagwa's self-delusion, most people will have little to celebrate. Food, fuel, fares, medicines and school fees are a perpetu...Published: 22 Dec 2018 at 20:28hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zimbabwe asylum seekers panic in UK diaspora
Zimbabweans without settled status in the UK have been alarmed by a report in a daily newspaper here, the Independent, that Britain is working with officials from the Zimbabwe Embassy to send them bac...Published: 16 Dec 2018 at 14:08hrs | | by ZimVigil
Mnangagwa's folly
On Friday President Mnangagwa 'broke ground' for a new parliament building. Coming a time when Zimbabwe is in economic meltdown it shows a bizarre choice of priorities. Mnangagwa will protest that Chi...Published: 03 Dec 2018 at 06:49hrs | | by ZimVigil
Ambassador Katsande invites Zimvigil for a meeting
The Vigil marked its 16th anniversary and - to our surprise - we were joined by the new Ambassador Christian M Katsande and his deputy. He invited us to have a meeting with him and we are happy to acc...Published: 17 Oct 2018 at 21:39hrs | | by ZimVigil
The Zimbabwe land issue won't go away
Fears of a land grab in South Africa have spooked investors. The ailing rand took another tumble when President Trump said his administration was closely watching the proposed seizure of land from whi...Published: 02 Sep 2018 at 19:35hrs | | by ZimVigil
Strangled by his own scarf
With the new Zanu PF regime pulling in different directions, there is a growing belief that it is the army that is now in charge in Zimbabwe – and that it is ready to pull the trigger at any provoca...Published: 12 Aug 2018 at 22:15hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zimbabwe's barking puppies'
Nelson Chamisa has threatened that his MDC party will 'not allow' the elections on 30th July unless electoral reforms are made. The party has called for a demonstration in Harare on Tuesday to insist ...Published: 04 Jun 2018 at 13:01hrs | | by ZimVigil
Countering voter intimidation and election violence in Zimbabwe
Today a peace initiative in Zimbabwe to counter voter intimidation and election violence has been launched. Calling themselves 'We the people of Zimbabwe' they have provided telephone numbers to the v...Published: 30 May 2018 at 19:42hrs | 1 | by Zimvigil Co-ordinator
The beating heart of Zimbabwe hypocrisy
The hypocrisy at the heart of the Zanu PF regime was exposed by President Mnangagwa's son Emmerson Jr in a graphic interview he gave in Harare to the London Sunday Times veteran foreign correspondent ...Published: 28 May 2018 at 15:57hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Country for sale
An influential American senator, Chris Coons, has accused President Mnangagwa of not 'walking the talk' to introduce promised democratic reforms to clear the way for free and fair elections due by Aug...Published: 06 May 2018 at 16:27hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zimvigil Petition: UK Government to require new Zimbabwean regime to account for Gukurahundi genocide
The Zimbabwe Vigil is petitioning the UK Government to require new Zimbabwean regime to account for Gukurahundi genocide. The petition reads: Zimbabwe has reportedly been encouraged by the UK ...Published: 14 Feb 2018 at 14:48hrs | | by ZimVigil
Mnangagwa must be honest about genocide
The Vigil has launched a new petition calling on President Mnangagwa's government to account properly for Gukurahundi. The petition reads: Zimbabwe has reportedly been encouraged by the UK Government ...Published: 11 Feb 2018 at 17:54hrs | | by ZimVigil
Mnangagwa can only be a disappointment
President Mnangagwa got a good hearing at the annual 'movers and shakers' jamboree at Davos in the Swiss Alps. People were curious to see whether he was another boring lunatic like his mentor Mugabe. ...Published: 29 Jan 2018 at 07:22hrs | 2 | by ZimVigil
Ubuntu or hypocrisy? - Zimbabwe Vigil Diary
President Mnangagwa is a smooth operator. How he was content to be Mugabe's flunkey for 40 years is a puzzle. But whatever you think of him, he is galvanising things.This is in sharp contrast ...Published: 07 Jan 2018 at 17:49hrs | 4 | by ZimVigil
Driven to desperation - Who's boss now?
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson - brimming with all the enthusiasm of a 10 year old stamp collector suddenly coming across a triangular from Tanganyika - was ready to usher Zimbabwe back into ...Published: 03 Dec 2017 at 20:50hrs | 3 | by ZimVigil
No rule by extension cord
A triumphant Grace Mugabe, having drawn the Crocodile's teeth, has promised great things for Zimbabwe. She told thousands of Zanu PF supporters in Harare: 'I love my president . . . he was annointed b...Published: 12 Nov 2017 at 22:39hrs | 2 | by Zimvigil
'Fantasy world in Zimbabwe'
A Vigil emissary just returned from a clandestine visit home reports finding a fantasy world in Zimbabwe where the government pretends that all is well while sending agents to scour the streets to buy...Published: 30 Oct 2017 at 06:27hrs | | by ZimVigil
Mugabe's brief success
The little-known Presidential Travel Committee (PTC) includes some of the most creative minds in Zanu PF. Apart from top presidential aides, its members include senior officials from the Reserve Bank ...Published: 23 Oct 2017 at 07:18hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Which is witch?
Grace Mugabe has long shown an obsessive interest in witches. She accused the then Vice-President Joice Mujuru of using witchcraft to try to kill the president. She certainly betrayed witch-like chara...Published: 04 Sep 2017 at 07:29hrs | 1 | by zimvigil
Mugabe's litter
Amid speculation that President Mugabe may call an early election in March to wrongfoot the opposition, the Election Watch organisation has shown that the mooted polling date could not be achieved if ...Published: 28 Aug 2017 at 16:32hrs | | by ZimVigil
Disgraced First 'Lady'
The undignified flight from South Africa of the disgraced Zimbabwean First ‘Lady' after viciously attacking a young woman in Johannesburg has made her an object of derision throughout the world....Published: 20 Aug 2017 at 16:54hrs | | by ZimVigil UK
Mugabe's non-stop party
You must hand it to the Mugabes - they know how to party. No expense spared. No distance too far to travel. No diamond ring too big. No guilt. No conscience. In fact, no hypocrisy because they don't u...Published: 23 Jul 2017 at 14:48hrs | | by ZimVigil
Zimbabwe's campaign of fear
Fears of violence are growing as the 2018 elections approach. The fears are especially acute in rural areas such as Gutu West constituency, where a local NGO reports that Zanu-PF intimidation has trig...Published: 17 Jul 2017 at 06:55hrs | 1 | by ZimVigil
Zimbabweans are victims of 'sovereignty'
As Zimbabwe embarks on the final lap before the next elections, all indications are that it will be a repetition of the stolen 2013 polls, nodded through by an acquiescent outside world with political...Published: 25 Jun 2017 at 18:18hrs | | by Zimvigil
Zimbabweans are best educated idiots?
Zimbabweanslove myths. One of the proofs is the popularity of the suave, sharply-dressed salesmen promising them everything they pray for. Like Mugabe.Here we bump into one of the great myths ...Published: 05 Jun 2017 at 14:07hrs | | by ZimVigil
Mugabe rotten to the core
Figures are important, particularly for Zimbabwe where they simply don’t add up. Let’s start with Mugabe’s trip to the Mexican resort of Cancun less than a week after he returned from seeing his...Published: 29 May 2017 at 07:20hrs | | by zimvigil
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