Columnist / Zimra
ZIMRA continues to provide essential services following the recording of Covid-19 cases at Beitbridge
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), is not in a position to issue out the names of people who might or might not have tested positive for COVID-19 as this goes against its ethical position on the ...Published: 09 Dec 2020 at 09:18hrs | 8 | by ZIMRA
Excise duty refund on fuel
The promulgation of Statutory instrument 72 of 2019 (Customs and Excise (Fuel supplied to approved beneficiaries) (Refund) Regulations, 2019, facilitates for approved beneficiaries to apply for a refu...Published: 14 Apr 2019 at 16:28hrs | 2 | by Zimra
Duty rebate on MPs' vehicle imports
The Commissioner may in respect of any used vehicle which is to be sold or otherwise disposed of, authorise the payment of a lesser amount of duty, taking into consideration the depreciation of such m...Published: 04 Apr 2019 at 14:42hrs | | by Zimra
Zimra's position on bribery and collusion
Did you know that it is an offence for any ZIMRA official to ask for favours or payment in any form whatsoever to omit or commit any action, contrary to their official duties? This is st...Published: 13 Mar 2019 at 23:09hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Importation and exportation of currency by travellers into Zimbabwe
The importation and exportation of currency is governed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) in terms of the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 22:05] as read with Exchange Control Regulations, Statutory ...Published: 20 Feb 2019 at 22:16hrs | | by Zimra
PUBLIC NOTICE: ZIMRA remains open for business
Temporary importation for visitors' vehicles
The importation and regulation of such vehicles is provided for in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, Section 124 as read with the Customs and Excise (General) Regulations, SI 154 of 2001, as amende...Published: 13 Dec 2018 at 04:43hrs | 11 | by zimra
Duty in foreign currency
With effect from 23 November 2018 duty on importation of selected items including Surtax, Presumptive Tax and Value Added Tax payable on importation duty on importation will be paid in foreign currenc...Published: 29 Nov 2018 at 11:33hrs | | by Zimra
How to obtain exemption on foreign currency dutiable goods
Following the announcement made by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on 22 November 2018 during his budget statement, the Minister designated certain products, whose duties, taxes, fees...Published: 24 Nov 2018 at 20:36hrs | | by Zimra
Voluntary disclosure by churches and religious organisations
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) encourages churches and other religious organizations to review their tax affairs and make voluntary disclosures where there is any income omitted from returns s...Published: 22 Nov 2018 at 08:32hrs | | by Zimra
Goods de-listed from import licence requirement
Following the gazetting of Statutory Instrument (SI) 237A of 2018, a number of goods which were formerly controlled by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Enterprise Development were removed from t...Published: 09 Nov 2018 at 16:59hrs | 3 | by Zimra
PAYE due date
PAY AS YOU EARN (PAYE) DUE DATE OCTOBER 2018 The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) hereby urges its valued clients registered for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) or required to be registered to take note ...Published: 08 Nov 2018 at 10:19hrs | | by Zimra
How ZIMRA calculates duty on imported clothing items and shoes
Any person who imports items of clothing and shoes is required to make a declaration of the nature, quantity and value of the items. ZIMRA reserves the right to accept the declared values ...Published: 16 Sep 2018 at 07:55hrs | 141 | by ZIMRA
Tax amnesty 2018 in respect of motor vehicles
IN an effort to encourage our valued clients to regularise their tax obligations, the Government has, through the Finance Act No. 1 of 2018 published on 15 March 2018, made provisions for granting of ...Published: 28 Jun 2018 at 07:05hrs | | by zimra
Change of vehicle ownership simplified
What is special excise duty?Special Excise Duty is charged in terms of Section 172 of the Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:02). It is a tax levied on sale, transfer or disposal of second hand ve...Published: 10 May 2018 at 06:56hrs | | by zimra
2017 Clearing Agents licensing renewal
It is that time of the year again for Clearing Agents to renew their licences. A clearing agent is defined as any person who for gain, acts for, or holds himself out as carrying on the business of...Published: 22 Sep 2016 at 07:42hrs | | by Zimra
Importing goods by post
Duty on goods imported by post can be assessed at Post Offices in Harare, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Mutare, Gweru, Victoria Falls and Beitbridge.If goods are received from outside the country as mai...Published: 14 Apr 2016 at 06:29hrs | 3 | by Zimra
Estimated assessments for Income Tax
THE law allows estimated assessments to be issued by the Commissioner General of ZIMRA in respect of taxable income and assessed losses.Estimated assessments can be raised in the following cir...Published: 31 Mar 2016 at 00:30hrs | | by Zimra
Change of ownership of second-hand vehicles
THE Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) hereby advises its valued clients that the Minister of Finance and Economic Development announced a change of the basis on which Excise Duty on change of ownersh...Published: 28 Jan 2016 at 05:38hrs | | by Zimra
Zimra rates on change of ownership of pre-owned cars
RATES OF SPECIAL EXCISE DUTY ON CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF SECOND-HAND MOTOR VEHICLESThe Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) hereby advises its valued clients that the Minister of Finance and Econo...Published: 19 Jan 2016 at 11:41hrs | | by Zimra
NOTICE: Temporary importation permit for visitors' cars
WE have come to that time of the year again - the festive season - when our relatives and friends living outside the country's borders come home to visit. Some will bring their vehicles for ease of tr...Published: 17 Dec 2015 at 09:59hrs | | by Zimra
Zimra introduces e-filing
NOTICE TO OUR VALUED CLIENTS ISSUANCE OF TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES FOR 2016The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) is hereby informing all its valued cl...Published: 17 Dec 2015 at 09:51hrs | 11 | by Zimra
Detention of goods by Zimra
THERE are two main ways in which imported goods are detained by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) namely: Receipt for Items Held (R.I.H)Under what circum...Published: 09 Jul 2015 at 10:44hrs | 3 | by Zimra
Importation of motor vehicles by the physically handicapped
THE Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02], together with die Customs and Excise (Suspension) Regulations, provide for the suspension of duty on certain specified motor vehicles imported by physically...Published: 05 Feb 2015 at 09:27hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Calculating of duty on imported private motor vehicles
The duty to be paid on importation of motor vehicles into Zimbabwe is based on the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) value plus other incidental charges and expenses incurred in the purchase of th...Published: 29 Jul 2014 at 08:58hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Zimra Notice: New Regulations on the Importation of Motor Vehicles Through Botswana
NOTICE TO OUR VALUED CLIENTS: NEW REGULATIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES THROUGH BOTSWANA The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) wishe...Published: 07 Jan 2014 at 08:01hrs | | by Zimra
Zimra rummage auction sale
There will be a rummage auction sale of forfeited and uncleared motor vehicles and goods as follows:VENUE: CHIREDZIVIEWING: Tuesday 2nd July 2013, from 8:30am to 4:00pm (including lunch ti...Published: 25 Jun 2013 at 20:48hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Tax Clearance Certificates
What is a Tax Clearance Certificate?A tax clearance certificate is a document that is issued by the Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority...Published: 16 May 2013 at 05:39hrs | 1 | by zimra
Rebate on goods for religious purposes
THE Customs and Excise (General) Regulations, as published in Statutory Instrument 154 of 2001, provides for a rebate of duty on selected imported goods by religious organisations. This implies that s...Published: 18 Apr 2013 at 04:31hrs | 1 | by zimra
Vacancy Notice: Zimra cashiers and toll gate officers
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill the posts below that have arisen in the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority.SENIOR C...Published: 20 Feb 2013 at 10:56hrs | 12 | by Zimra
Importation of ICT equipment is duty-free
Did you know that computers, cellphones and other selected information and communication products and gadgets can be imported duty free?Customs duty on the importation of products listed in th...Published: 04 Oct 2012 at 04:50hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Victoria Falls Rummage sale, 17 August 2012
Duly instructed by the Commissioner General of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), MAC Auction Service shall offer for sale by public auction forfeited and uncleared vehicles and goods for Victori...Published: 16 Aug 2012 at 12:53hrs | 1 | by Zimra
Zimra Tender, Supply and Installation of shelving
Supply and Installation of Shelving at Central Warehouse for Zimbabwe Revenue AuthorityTHE STATE PROCUREMENT BOARDClick ...Published: 25 Jul 2012 at 16:23hrs | | by Zimra
Tender for cleaning services to ZIMRA Kariba Border Post
Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes and endorsed on the outside with the ADVERTISED tender number, the description, the closing date and must be posted in time to be sorted into Post Office B...Published: 25 Jul 2012 at 16:20hrs | | by Zimra
Masive duty for Blankets, footwear, refrigerators imported into Zimbabwe
With effect from 1st August 2011, travellers are no longer allowed to clear blankets, footwear, refrigerators and stoves under the traveller's rebate.The rates of duty for the following produ...Published: 04 Aug 2011 at 05:43hrs | 3 | by Zimra
Temporary importation of foreign registered motor vehicles
Did you know that the temporary importation of goods, including motor vehicles, is regulated by customs laws and regulations of this country? This week’s article will focus on t...Published: 20 Jan 2011 at 17:14hrs | | by Zimra
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