Columnist / Fingaz
Can Zanu-PF be trusted?
Zanu-PF faithfuls are gathered in the ancient city of Masvingo for their annual people's conference to run over five days. More than 7 000 delegates are attending the conference, which opened on T...Published: 15 Dec 2016 at 05:38hrs | 3 | by Fingaz editorial
Zim economy in dire straits
THE country's economy continues to swing directionless with figures indicating that the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE), seen as the barometer of the economy, slumping by US$642,8 million to US$4,56 bil...Published: 12 Jun 2014 at 08:25hrs | 1 | by Fingaz
Agric minister botches US$100m deal
CHINESE telecommunications company, ZTE Corporation, has been awarded a US$100 million contract to supply mechanisation and irrigation equipment without going to tender, the Financial Gazette reported...Published: 12 Jun 2014 at 08:13hrs | 1 | by Fingaz
It never rains but pours for Obert Mpofu
MINES and Mining Development Minister Obert Mpofu, whose name was dragged into recent investigations by the now troubled Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, faces fresh accusations of resisting a Cab...Published: 28 Mar 2013 at 19:03hrs | | by FinGAz
Naivety to cost MDC-T dearly!
THE Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) formation led by Prime Minister (PM) Morgan Tsvangirai appears dumbfounded at the realisation that ZANU-PF has not changed a bit despite the four years they ha...Published: 21 Mar 2013 at 23:22hrs | | by FinGaz
PM Tsvangirai proves his vulnerability
PRIME Minister (PM) Morgan Tsvangirai has been exposed as a paper tiger after State security agents ransacked his private offices before arresting four of his staff, including a celebrated human...Published: 21 Mar 2013 at 23:22hrs | 1 | by FinGaz
Zim police fighting a losing battle
LAST week, police announced that they have started a crackdown on those found in possession of shortwave radios that are not compatible with the country's licensed broadcasting stations.The cr...Published: 28 Feb 2013 at 07:15hrs | | by Fingaz
Bennett's error of judgment in his posthumous attack on John Nkomo
IT was one mistake too many.That is what it was, Roy Bennett's egregious error of judgment in his posthumous attack directed at the late Vice President John Nkomo who passed on last week on T...Published: 24 Jan 2013 at 04:16hrs | | by fingaz
Tsvangirai panics
PRIME Minister (PM) Morgan Tsvangirai is under pressure to rejuvenate his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) party, with revelations he has given all elected party officials targets to register n...Published: 06 Dec 2012 at 07:07hrs | | by Njabulo Ncube, Fingaz
Constitution headaches persist
WHEN the Constitution Parlia-mentary Select Committee (COPAC) finally produced their draft constitution after three years of work, many Zimbabweans expected that the draft would ha...Published: 10 Aug 2012 at 20:07hrs | | by FinGaz Reporter
Biti cracks under pressure
WHEN he was appointed Finance Minister in February 2009, Zimbabweans who had lived through the hell of hyperinflation sighed in relief and said a brave new world had arrived. As one who had never...Published: 10 Aug 2012 at 19:41hrs | | by FinGaz Political Editor
MDC formations team up against ZANU-PF
THE two formations of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) have teamed up against ZANU-PF as President Robert Mugabe's party strategises over the draft constitution.ZANU-PF spin-doctors h...Published: 10 Aug 2012 at 08:31hrs | | by FinGaz
Robert Mugabe loses immunity
PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe and any future heads of State in the country have lost immunity from prosecution in the new draft constitution that is set to become the country's supreme law should it be app...Published: 26 Jul 2012 at 06:08hrs | | by Clemence Manyukwe, Fingaz Political Editor
Zanu-PF sabotages Biti
ANOTHER explosive situation is looming in the fractious unity government over austerity measures adopted to arrest the collapse of government operations with Zanu-PF and the two formations of the Move...Published: 25 Jun 2012 at 07:47hrs | | by Staff reporter I Fingaz
Arthur Mutambara, Elton Mangoma clash over Green Fuel
DEPUTY Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara and Energy and Power Development Minister Elton Mangoma have clashed over the issue of Green Fuel, with the latter taking a hard-line stance by declaring the pr...Published: 26 May 2012 at 03:52hrs | | by Fingaz
Auditor-General exposes ministers
THE tale of an economist with power utility, ZESA Holdings, who was repeatedly questioned over his loss of a cellular phone bought using taxpayers money helps to underscore the level of thoroughnes...Published: 26 May 2012 at 03:48hrs | | by Fingaz
Why Zesa bills are so high
...Published: 12 May 2012 at 08:43hrs | 2 | by Fingaz
Presidential term limits agreed but Mugabe not affected
ZANU-PF and the two formations of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) have agreed on Presidential term limits in the new constitution whose referendum is now slated for September.If adop...Published: 31 Mar 2012 at 08:41hrs | | by Fingaz
Case of the pot calling the kettle black
LAST week, Members of Parliament raised an interesting point that has been a source of major concern among the generality of Zimbabweans, but they conveniently forgot to mention that they are also pa...Published: 25 Mar 2012 at 06:42hrs | 1 | by Fingaz
Implications of a sham election for Zimbabwe
PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe, who turned 88 in February, has vowed to use his executive powers enshrined in the Constitution to call for fresh polls that will bring closure to the acrimonious government of...Published: 03 Mar 2012 at 13:36hrs | | by Njabulo Ncube, Fingaz
Zanu-PF pushing for Prof Moyo to join Monitoring and Implementation Committee
Zanu-PF is reported to be pushing for the inclusion of politburo member, Jonathan Moyo, into the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (JOMIC) to bolster the party's presence in structures tha...Published: 06 Aug 2011 at 07:07hrs | 21 | by FinGaz
Proxies to lift the veil of secrecy around the Obert Mpofu wealth
Daggers have been drawn out against Obert Mpofu whose rising political profile in Matabeleland has raffled the feathers of ZANU-PF bigwigs who were used to dominating the political space in the Ndebel...Published: 06 Aug 2011 at 07:05hrs | | by Moyo Roy | FinGaz
Why has Sibanda found a new home in Masvingo!
Jabulani Sibanda boasts of fully utilising his farmland, but for as many months now the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) chairperson has been away from his farm, waging a...Published: 02 Jul 2011 at 15:04hrs | | by Clemence Manyukwe, Fingaz Political Editor
ZANU-PF's bid to replace Zuma rejected
SADC (Southern African Development Community) has rejected ZANU-PF's bid to replace South African President Jacob Zuma as the facilitator of local talks on grounds that his imminent chairing of the ...Published: 26 Jun 2011 at 06:41hrs | | by FinGaz Political Editor and edited by Moyo Roy
ZEC given five days as ZANU-PF, MDCs agree on electoral reforms
ZIMBABWE'S Cabinet has approved electoral reforms that will see results of Presidential polls being scrutinised by independent and reputable audit firms as parties in the inclusive government move to ...Published: 03 Jun 2011 at 12:54hrs | | by FinGaz Political Editor
Devastating fall-out rocks MDC-T
According to Friday reports by Financial Gazette, a potentially devastating fallout has emerged in the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) less than a week after its third congress in Bulawa...Published: 07 May 2011 at 05:49hrs | | by Levi Mukarati, FinGaz
Zimbabwe parliament victory reignites MDCs unification debate
ZANU-PF’s failure to capture the coveted post of Speaker of Parliament last week might have unintentionally unified the two camps of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in ...Published: 08 Apr 2011 at 14:40hrs | | by Njabulo Ncube, Fingaz Assistant Editor
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