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Shingi Munyeza threatens Mutemererwa's lawyer

by Staff reporter
11 Aug 2023 at 18:54hrs | Views
The debt row pitying Marjorie Mutemererwa and Shingi Munyeza escalated this week with the ex SeedCo public relations manager's lawyer filing a police report against the businessman for allegedly swearing and threatening her.

Munyeza and his wife, Wilma were ordered by Harare High Court judge David Mangota last month to pay back US$100,000 they owed to Mutemererwa.

On August 9, 2023, it is alleged, Mutemererwa, accompanied by the Sherriff and her lawyer Priviledge Seda of Masango Seda and Mutema Attorneys, went to Munyeza's home in Borrowdale Brooke to serve him two summons of civil imprisonment if he fails to pay the debt and another attaching his cars.

"On August 9, the Sheriff and my lawyer arrived at Shingi's residence and he refused to open his gate.

"My lawyer called him and Shingi then called his own lawyer who in turn advised him to open the gate," Mutemererwa said.

"Shingi started belittling and lecturing and bullying my lawyer telling him that he is a small boy who should just sit down.

"He said he (Munyeza) is a presidential advisor and is untouchable. The Sheriff went ahead and served the summons."

The lawyer later filed a police report against Munyeza, a former Group Chief Executive at African Sun Limited and member of the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC).

The matter was recorded under RRB 5667833 at the Borrowdale police station.

The fall-out started when Mutemererwa loaned the Munyezas US$85,000 from her retirement package with the couple promising to pay back the money with US$15,000 being interest.

She was forced to take them to court when the couple failed to honour its end of the agreement.

Source - zimlive
More on: #Munyeza, #Threat, #Lawyer