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Mthwakazi Republic Party condemns Chiminya's Monomotapa claims

by Stephen Jakes
3 hrs ago | Views
The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has vehemently denounced spurious claims made by Timothy Chiminya, who purports to be the Monomotapa King. The party characterized these claims as a blatant attempt to distort the Lozwi heritage and royal lineage, asserting that such actions will not go unchallenged.

National affairs official Khuzimpi Bhelebana KaMahafuhafu emphasized that the Lozwi people, descendants of King Tjibundule Moyo, possess a distinct history and cultural identity separate from the Shona people. He highlighted that their ancestors migrated from West to East, settling in present-day Midlands and Matebeleland (Mthwakazi). The significant presence of the Moyo clan in Mthwakazi, in comparison to Mashonaland, underscores their rightful claim to the territory.

KaMahafuhafu further criticized the British colonial powers and their proxies for their long-standing efforts to undermine Mthwakazi's autonomy. He pointed out that the creation of ZANU as a counter-revolutionary movement to ZAPU was a deliberate attempt to divide and conquer, and that Herbert Chitepo's infiltration and promotion of Shona supremacy ideology have had far-reaching consequences.

The MRP official accused Chiminya and President Emmerson Mnangagwa of using the revival of the Monomotapa Empire as a thinly veiled attempt to expand Shona dominance over Mthwakazi. He emphasized that the MRP will not stand idly by as their sovereignty is threatened.

KaMahafuhafu reiterated that Mthwakazi, as a Kingdom built by diverse tribes (Nguni, Tswana, Bukalanga, Tonga, Venda, Sotho, Nambiya, Xhosa), asserts its right to self-governance. The defeat of King Lobhengula Khumalo in 1893 did not extinguish their claim to nationhood.

The MRP urged all Mthwakazi citizens to remain vigilant and united in the face of these imperial ambitions. The party vowed to take all necessary measures to protect their territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Source - Byo24News