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ZANU-PF Commissar harassed

by Gideon Madzikatidze in Bulawayo
2 hrs ago | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa's close security and protocol (advance) teams who are part of the intelligence details have this Friday during Online National Anti-Sanctions petition pre-launch proceedings; manhandle and humiliate ZANU-PF national political commissar, Munyaradzi Machacha for breaching, bypass and interfering with smooth movement of presidential escort motorcade.

Speaking on condition of anonymity due to fear of victimisation or reprimand by party leadership, one of senior members of the revolutionary party has claimed that harassment and humiliation were part of factional fights between Mnangagwa and his powerful number two (Constantino Chiwenga)

"This is daylight humiliation targeting those who subscribe to another faction. Do you think the security details or members of the President's close security do not know comrade Machacha?," the senior and long-serving ZANU-PF member said.

"He was decimated to the level of a political toddler and I could feel the humiliation and consequences this would have in the eyes of the public. He was dragged and looks so much confused that he imitates popular dull English comedian, Mr Bean who timeously shows signs of being clueless and a victim of chronic wisdom shortage," the member expresses.

Judging from few minutes of humiliation, the visibly disturbed Machacha proceed with the call which was on hold during the course of his encounter with the security details while heading into the anti-sanction petition declaration venue (City Hall).

In an unrelated development during the same event, an anti-sanction lobby group, Broad Alliance Against Sanctions co-founder and spokesperson, Sally Ngoni has claimed that those eleven allegedly targeted corrupt ZANU-PF Officials and companies who were put under sanctions by the United States have failed to provide basic resources to sustain their welfare which saw some of their membership withdraw from camping at the American Embassy after facing chronic food shortages and remote support.

"We camped at the American Embassy fighting for the removal of these illegal sanctions imposed on our leaders and some companies. However, our numbers have drastically been reduced due to starvation caused by acute food shortages and erratic support," Ngoni said.

"When we started picketing at the Embassy, our numbers were over 200 picketers, but to date, there are only 28 of us left. Others have dumped us because of hunger, they cited starvation as a major cause for their withdrawal," Ngoni added.

Ngoni also sensationally claimed that the former American Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Brian Nickols tried several times and failed to bribe or convince them into imminently withdraw en masse from picketing at the Embassy.

"Former American Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Nichols offered us some money and properties each as packages on condition that we withdraw our calls for removal of sanctions and disperse protesters, but we turned down that offer. He promised to buy us apartments each and pay handsomely in the event that we withdrew from camping at their Embassy," Ngoni added.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has signed and launched Online National Anti-Sanctions Petition which is targeting to reach over a million signatures in their quest to push America and its allies into strucking off from the list, ZANU-PF's alleged corrupt and gross human rights violation characters (11 names and some companies) from their punitive database.

"Despite the existence of the heinous and inhumane illegal sanctions, my administration will continue to pursue the policy of engagement and reengagement. Zimbabwe is a friend to all and an enemy to none," Mnangagwa said.

"Zimbabwe strongly condemns the hegemonic tendencies and hypocrisy of those nations which continue to think that 'might is right' and brutely violate international law and the United Nations Charter without shame or remorse," Mnangagwa fumes.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has presided over this year's SADC Anti-Sanctions Day Commemorations which is being held under the theme "Embracing Innovation towards Vision 2030: The Relentless fight against Sanctions"

This year's Commemorations marks the 5th anniversary since the declaration in 2019 by the then SADC Chairperson, the late, President John Magufuli.

Source - Byo24News