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Mutsvangwa chides Kasukuwere, says 'there is no voting booth at the SABC'

by Staff reporter
07 Jul 2023 at 02:40hrs | Views
Zanu-PF Spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa has dismissed self-exiled former party colleague Saviour Kasukuwere's presidential candidature, telling journalists South African broadcaster SABC does not house any voting booth.

The statement follows Kasukuwere's series of interviews in South Africa, including at SABC where he laid into President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration.

Speaking to journalists Thursday, Mutsvangwa described Kasukuwere as a ‘phantom' presidential aspirant who had been created to replace Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa by ‘Western funders.'

"Kasukuwere is being touted as a candidate, but we are saying until he puts his feet on the ground and starts campaigning, he is not a candidate," said Mutsvangwa.

"He is trying to campaign in South African press and not appealing to the voter in Zimbabwe, there is no voting booth at SABC.

"Kasukuwere goes to the SABC and to Multi-choice offices and starts campaigning there not so much for the voters in Zimbabwe but funders out there like Open Society Institute of Southern Africa (OSISA)."

Kasukuwere declared his intentions to run for presidency last month, launched his campaign in South Africa and has been to Namibia and Kenya so far.

The former party-Political Commissar's lieutenant and former ally in Zanu-PF's dismantled G40 faction, Walter Mzembi had promised to share details of their return by end-of-day Thursday.

In further dismissing Kasukuwere's candidature, Mutsvangwa said the former had a lot of legal hurdles ahead of him which emanated from his time within the party.

Kasukuwere stands accused of fronting a 2008 reign of terror in Mashonaland Central dubbed ‘VaMugabe muOffice' that targeted opposition MDC-T supporters.

The operation which had the blessings of the state and also involved Zanu-PF youths claimed over 150 lives with Kasukuwere's "We have a bullet for each of you" widely quoted.

"The law of the land for the many things which he has done, which he knows he has done will not be watching. State security will look at his record of the many things which he has done," added Mutsvangwa.

"Kasukuwere's footprints seem to have been at the site of Gift Tandare's fatal shooting. This is among the many things which the law may have to deal with.

"Before he thinks of many other things, he has many hurdles to clear with the laws of this country, the criminal law of this country. We cannot build up an image of someone for the sake of it."

Tandare was an MDC-T activist who was believed to have been shot dead by Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) details in Harare. Authorities seized his body and forcibly buried him at his rural home despite plans by the family to have the remains interred at Granville Cemetery, Harare.

Zimbabwe heads for polls on August 23 with Kasukuwere entering what had primarily been interpreted as a two-horse race between Mnangagwa and Chamisa.

Source - NewZimbabwe