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More woes for Kwekwe Messenger of Court

by Desmond Nleya
25 Oct 2023 at 22:13hrs | Views
It never rains but pours for Kwekwe Messenger of Court (MOC) as more corruption allegations continue to pile.

This follows a public outcry on the operations of the government entity after being exposed by this publication some time last month and a recent letter to the Judicial Service Commission by the Anti Corruption Trust of Southern Africa this week.

The Kwekwe Messenger of Court Energy Pedzerai is accused among other things of acting as a law firm with most decisions allegedly being authored by the office without following proper procedures.

"Kwekwe Messenger of Court allegedly serves as a law firm since it's officials prepare court papers such as applications, summons and pleas for litigants in exchange for payment. There are several cases which can unravel if the Judicial Service Commission wants to probe this area as well.

"The Kwekwe Messenger of Court uses unorthodox means to get default judgements for parties whom it assists in preparing court papers. The case of one Mr Chiwara was given as an example in which it is alleged the MOC used the substituted service route to get a default judgement when the party being sued had presented himself at the MOC's office and he had knowledge of his presence", said the Anti Corruption watchdog.

One of the Anti Corruption Trust of Sourthen Africa, Director Mr Obert Chinhamo is pleading with the Judicial Service Commission to investigate the allegations before more victims suffer at the hands of Mr Pedzera.

Source - Byo24News