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Zanu-PF Land barons share the loot with ZRP officials to evade arrest

by Paul Ndou
07 Jan 2024 at 13:44hrs | Views
In a clear sign of disregarding the law, evading arrest and extending influence, land barons from the ruling party, Zanu-PF have illegally resorted to both share the loot and parcel out land earmarked for recreational and community services with officials from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Saturday Retreat (popularly known as Border Gezi Housing Project).

In an in-depth interview with local residents and supporting documents, including responses from some beneficiaries of commonage residential stands, this publication is in possession of letters from residents to all security sectors and stakeholders (including specific government ministries) expressing their dismay over Zanu-PF members illegally parceling out land.

"These land barons have roped in members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in their tireless efforts to evade imminent arrests, indiscriminately awarding some residential stands on land earmarked for recreational and essential community services," one of the residents representative who requested anonymity for fear of victimisation said in support of their letters.

"What boggles the residents' minds is that all those land barons are no longer residents of our community, but have relocated to some adjacent locations or suburbs including Southley Park, Waterfalls, Ivory Park (known as Hopley Number 9), Ushewekunze, among others," the residents representative added.

"They have extended their modus operandi through luring influential officials who influence court outcomes, as they claim that they won't be arrested. We have a testament to that since all of our complaints and cases die a natural death at Mbare Magistrates Court," he added.

"We tried to no avail in reaching out to all public offices and responsible authorities, but it got even worse with the death of the Housing Project's leader, late Edith Kagoro," the representative relates.

Asked about the names of land barons, the residents' representative listed them with confidence as supported by their letters.

"We have Ronald Kugombo, Murehwa, Tapiwa Mashapure, Lordmercy (Zanu-PF Youth District Chairman for the area), Winston, Madzibaba Vengi, to mention, but just a few," the resident added.

"These guys even run amok and beat up residents whenever we resist their illegal activities. They have several pending cases in courts and their names on police stations would easily disappear from wanted list," he added.

The resident added that these land barons hire top of the range vehicles whenever they find potential prospective buyers or homeseekers so that they believe everything is legit. Homeseekers will then have confidence in the land barons before being duped and allocated on undersignated land.

They residents cited one of the land barons, Ronald Kugombo as having frequently visits the area with a white Honda Fit (Hybrid) with registration numbers, AFP 1785.

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF (through Cde Patrick Chinamasa) has distanced itself from all illegal activities and the so-called land barons calling on the police to bring culprits to book and face wrath of the law.

In support of Zanu-PF stance against land barons, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has warned people involved in illegal land allocation that regardless of a person's social standing or status, they will be held accountable under the law. In a statement, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the police national spokesperson, advised individuals seeking land to verify with the appropriate authorities if the land being sold has been legally acquired before making any transactions.

ZRP Statement reads: CRIMINAL ACTS AND ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS ON LAND IN RURAL AND URBAN SETUPS Reference is made to the Minister for Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Honourable Doctor Anxious Masuka's press release issued on 03. January 2024 in connection with illegal settlements on agricultural land and criminal acts by land barons who are unlawfully parcelling land in both rural and urban setups.

This statement has also been buttressed by the remarks made by Minister of Local Government and Public Works, Honourable Winston Chitando and Minister of National Housing and Amenities, Honourable Daniel Garwe on Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation Television on rd January 2024.

The public is accordingly advised that the Zimbabwe Republic Police will arrest anyone engaged in illegal land allocation irrespective of status and social standing.

Members of the public are implored to verify the status of any land before being settled or made to pay for purported allocation or development.

The public should report criminal activities by land barons at any nearest Police Station or National Complaints Desk number on (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp number 0712 800 197.

Source - Byo24News