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Bulawayo police probes sudden death case

by Stephen Jakes
10 Jan 2024 at 10:30hrs | Views
The Bulawayo Central Police Station at the corner of Fife Avenue and Leopold Takawira ©ZimLive
POLICE in Bulawayo are investigating the sudden death of an unknown male adult which occurred on December 24 last year at 15:13pm at corner Parirenyatwa and 6th Avenue.

Bulawayo acting police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said the deceased's identity is still unknown.

"The now deceased's identity is unknown, he is slim built, measuring about 1,7 meters in height and long unkempt hair. The deceased was wearing a green jacket, khaki shorts, and was barefooted," Msebele said.

Msebele further appealed to the public with missing relatives to report to the nearest Police station for identification.

"Police are appealing to members of the public with missing relatives to report at Bulawayo Central police or contact any nearest police station for possible identification of the body," she said.

Source - Byo24News