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Mnangagwa congratulates Ramaphosa on re-election

by Staff reporter
15 Jun 2024 at 13:23hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa has extended his congratulations to South African President-elect Cyril Ramaphosa on his re-election as the country's Head of State. Following a decisive victory over EFF leader Julius Malema in Parliament, where Ramaphosa secured 283 votes compared to Malema's 44, Mnangagwa expressed his admiration and support. He noted that Ramaphosa's re-election reflects the confidence and trust South Africans have in his leadership.

Mnangagwa also congratulated ANC's Thoko Didiza on her election as Speaker of Parliament and Democratic Alliance's Annelie Lotriet as her deputy. He emphasized his commitment to working closely with Ramaphosa to strengthen the bonds between Zimbabwe and South Africa, highlighting their shared history, culture, and family ties.

Mnangagwa affirmed his dedication to regional integration and addressing global challenges collaboratively, wishing Ramaphosa success and personal good health in his leadership role.

Source - The Chronicle
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