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Stepmother failed for killing stepson and staging suicide

by Staff reporter
17 Sep 2024 at 06:51hrs | Views
A 17-year-old stepmother has been sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for three years, for the murder of her 13-year-old stepson. The young woman, whose identity is being withheld to protect her privacy, was convicted of strangling the boy and then attempting to stage his death as a suicide.

Appearing before High Court Judge Justice Munamato Mutevedzi at the Gweru High Court circuit on Friday, the stepmother faced charges of murder. She initially pleaded not guilty to the charge but later admitted to a lesser offense of culpable homicide. The State, represented by Ms. Angeline Munyeriwa, accepted the reduced plea, leading to the sentencing.

Justice Mutevedzi emphasized the societal issues stemming from child marriages, stating that such relationships often result in tragedies. "Men should desist from marrying young girls, as this creates severe issues within families and society," the judge remarked. He also addressed the accused, advising her to return to her mother, exhibit good behavior, and continue her education.

In her defense, the accused's lawyer, Mr. Easu Mandipa, argued that the stepmother, being a minor and a first-time offender, acted out of anger and remorsefully admitted her actions. "The accused, a child involved in a marriage, acted in the heat of the moment and is deeply sorry for her actions," Mandipa said.

According to the State's case, the incident occurred when the accused, who had been married to the deceased's father since she was 16, sent the boy to fetch water. When he refused, an argument escalated into a physical altercation, during which the accused strangled him. After realizing he was dead, she staged the scene to look like a suicide by tying his body to a small tree with a curtain.

The stepmother attended church that morning and disclosed the crime to a church member, Angela Makusha. They returned to the scene, where the deceased's father was informed and subsequently reported the incident to the police. The accused was arrested and charged.

The State acknowledged that while the accused did not intend to kill the deceased, the tragic outcome resulted from her reaction during the altercation.

Source - The Chronicle