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Zimbabwe woman shares bedroom with 2 husbands

by Staff reporter
2 hrs ago | Views
In a shocking case brought before the Harare Civil Court, two men are living with the same woman as their wife, sharing the same bedroom at a house in the capital city. One of the men, Takemore Kagaire, claims his wife of 10 years, Brenda Cheri, married another man during their mourning period for their child’s death and later brought her new lover into their matrimonial home.

The bizarre living arrangement has seen the three sharing a bedroom that is divided by a curtain. Kagaire, who brought the matter to court, accused Cheri of committing bigamy and denying him conjugal rights while preferring to have sexual relations with her new lover in his presence.

Kagaire told the court that the relationship between Cheri and her new partner has been ongoing for two years. He added that Cheri repeatedly insulted him whenever he tried to visit her, eventually bringing the new man into their home without any explanation. Kagaire also claimed that Cheri has severed his communication with her relatives and frequently locks him and their children outside at night, leaving them to wait while she goes out with her lover.

"She insults me in front of the children, who are confused as to why another man is staying with us in the same bedroom," Kagaire said in his statement.

Cheri denied the accusations and blamed Kagaire for the death of their child, saying that his actions drove her to seek protection. She told the court that Kagaire had assaulted her after the burial of their child, prompting her to flee from him out of fear for her life.

"Kagaire is the one who killed our child and assaulted me afterwards to cover up his tracks," Cheri said, defending her decision to move on from the relationship.

Presiding magistrate Mandlenkosi Ndlovu granted a protection order in favor of Cheri, urging both parties to resolve their differences and find a way forward for the sake of their children.

Source - hmetro