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Chiwenga's supporters to demonstrate against Mnangagwa 3rd term

by Stephen Jakes
4 hrs ago | Views
Supporters of Vice President Constantino Chiwenga are planning a massive demonstration in Bulawayo to challenge the extension of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's term beyond 2028.

Supporters of Mnangagwa have intensified their calls for the extension of his term and are reportedly seeking to amend the constitution to facilitate this change.

In a statement dated October 19 and circulating on social media, a Zanu PF group calling itself the General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association affirmed their commitment to seeing Chiwenga assume his rightful leadership of the nation.

They stated that as members from Bulawayo and Matabeleland provinces, they stand firmly behind Chiwenga - "Umkhwenyana Ngowethu" (he is our son-in-law).

"Our support for General Chiwenga is not open to debate; it is rooted in his unmatched leadership, military prowess, and unwavering commitment to the people of Zimbabwe," the statement reads.

They emphasized that they will never be intimidated.

"The open confrontation declared by Paradza's faction against General Chiwenga and his supporters is a declaration of war against the true will of the people. The residents of Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, and South are not easily swayed by the empty words of opportunists," the statement continues.

The General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association announced plans to host a large demonstration in Bulawayo in the coming days.

"This demonstration will serve as a clear signal that the people stand with General Chiwenga and reject the divisive tactics of Paradza and his Dadaya faction," the statement asserts.

They call on all true patriots - youth and veterans across Matabeleland and Zimbabwe at largeā€”to join them in solidarity as they defend the future of the nation.

They contend that Zimbabwe needs a leader with strength, discipline, and courage to steer the country toward prosperity, and that leader is Chiwenga.

As they prepare for this monumental demonstration in Bulawayo, the group hopes their motto, "Umkhwenyana Ngowethu," will resonate throughout the land.

Source - Byo24News