Opinion / Columnist
Mnangagwa successfully thwarted a premature revolution! We waited for a Geza signal that would never come!
5 hrs ago | Views

There is open disdain in all societies about how President Mnangagwa failed the people. At the same time the open discussions about a rift between Chiwenga and Mnangagwa is known; hostilities are playing out in the public. After the elections in 2023, Mnangagwa continued to rule without signs of honoring the gentlemen's agreement he made with Chiwenga: it is rumored that Mnangagwa was to serve one term and would surrender power to Chiwenga to be third president of the republic. It did not happen, Mnangagwa continues to rule with little challenges from Chiwenga.
But this is not the bone of contention in my article today. The promises of change we have been feeding since mid-2024 cannot escape scrutiny of critical thinking citizens. It is not about democratic processes, but about sharing the spoils of the 2017 coup at the noses of the masses: Chamisa included. Constantly, round the clock, we are pounded on social media about the imminent military overthrow of Mnangagwa. In January, a military contingent from the barracks, face-masked, made a blitz interview about the organized coup developments. Interesting about this interview was their admission how several generals were murdered at the behest of Mnangagwa: even commanders that assisted Mnangagwa to get into power in 2017 were not spared: they died of mysterious poisoning, one by one.
The military wing is silent about Chiwenga's position in all these political developments. But in open meetings and gatherings with Mnangagwa, Chiwenga is masked with fear and anger on his face: Roped in the proverbial scarf to show solidarity: they embrace, an open show of togetherness. How fake can it go! In my loaded opinion, it is a show of who is more powerful: Chiwenga is the weakest link. When Mnangagwa plays the piper; Chiwenga dances instantly to Mnangagwa's tune! How pathetic can it go? The gullible are busy cheering on Chiwenga's side: "Gudo haripotsi! How long are they going to sing this "Gudo Haripotsi? Chiwenga haasi kupotsa; arikutadza kusimudza pfuti yacho! Zimbabweans must stop high expectations of him. Chiwenga is clinically and mentally fragile. He nearly lost his life, most of his comrades perished in poisoning. This should give us a clue how clinically serious and clinical unstable Chiwenga is.
Chiwenga, stop putting youth in the military to Mnangagwa's gallows for slaughter!
This fake display undermines the weakness in Chiwenga; strengthens Mnangagwa's side. What made it worse is the push for 2030 mantra of "Mnangagwa will still be there". Why is Chiwenga unable to tackle this succession issue with Mnangagwa head-on in the way they planned a coup together against Robert Mugabe. Instead, Chiwenga uses gullible military youth to do deadly work for him while he is safe and dead silent in his comfortable houses with a newly wedded wife from Matabeleland South: ironically a region where Chiwenga as military general murdered about thousands of civilians during the dark days of Gukurahundi atrocities of early independent 1983. Just saying!
I have said this in several articles I have written that this pseudo revolution is very, very premature, nothing will come out of it. (I was laughed at) No true revolution announces a demonstration three months in advance. Critical mass is important in any revolution and has not been realized on the ground this time around in Zimbabwe. It's another thing shouting loud semi-literate slogans about regime-change. That the general populace is disgruntled about Mnangagwa regime is not enough to stage a successful revolution. It does not need the intelligence of a German Albeit Einstein to ask a slender question: if Mnangagwa knows in advance that a demonstration is looming towards end of March: obviously he will put in place contingencies to thwart the uprising? Nyokayemabhunu was sitting on his nappies at the independence of 1980. He talks as if he knows it all. I don't think his cacophony of noises convinces many. SIMBA RAKE RIRIMUMU ROMO SE PINJISI: He is more performative than action. Just saying!
Nyokayemabhunu was sent by Blessed Geza to be his voice outside
Where is General Comrade Blessed Geza? Did he not tell everyone who wanted to hear that he will face Mnangagwa head-on? Did he not line-up veterans; ZIPRA and ZANLA, and he made bold statements about the social and economic situation in Zimbabwe? I asked Geza in my articles why he is voicing these issues now, and why not in 1980, in 1990, in the year 2000, why not in 2017 after the coup? What has fundamentally happened in his life to start to question social and economic evils in societies? He has found his voice to spell out social evils that have existed since 1980, if you are from Matabeleland? Currently Geza is hiding somewhere: could be in South Africa! Blessed Geza exposed ZIPRA veterans at the glare of cameras showing strength that was not there. Where are these ZIPRA comrades who took part in the interview today? They could be facing imminent killings from Mnangagwa's death machinery. I remember using strong words, castigating the presence of ZIPRA veterans of joining revolutions without head and tail with Geza interviews. Zanu has never been clean in their dealings with Zapu. What convinces ZIPRA veterans that this time around the looming coup is genuine for all of us? History should teach and inform us! Just saying!
Constatine Chiwenga is dead silent: Blessed Geza is dead silent!
What tells us about the dead silence of Chiwenga and Geza! With Blessed Geza, I am sure life had become unbearable in the absence of freebees from Zanu-candy-gar. The honey jar has dried out, or it is now out of his reach! A comeback to politics at a later age will not yield any meaningful results. Is he sure he can manage two revolutions in his lifetime? It has never happened: It is wholly delusional to think he can fight Mnangagwa and win, having fought so hard in the liberation struggle. Geza should ask Chiwenga way he is failing to unseat Mnangagwa. Is Geza hiding under Chiwenga's bed, for how long? Has Geza realized it was a mistake to raise people's expectations so high, and will not yield results? Of late, army tanks rolled in all towns and cities, not one group was able to determine who set the army in the streets in all towns and cities. We were left in constant anticipation of regime change that did not happen, will happen, has happened, will never happen. After ten days and nights of waiting, no signal promised by the army was given. Our adrenaline tanks have been used up.
Chiwenga is fooling the nation to think he can effect change with an army that he is not in command of. Chiwenga became a paper tiger long back. Mnangagwa castrated him in 2017 when he accepted the role of vice president. Mnangagwa, a master-class chess player, Chiwenga is no match with Mnangagwa, a known killer for decades. Chiwenga fears hence his silence, to protect himself. I don't blame him much; he has survived the unthinkable at the hands of Mnangagwa. It is natural for him to fear Mnangagwa when he sees him. However, Geza is a good match with Mnangagwa; but optically, he has overly aged. Geza is supposed to be resting at his home farm: not running rounds, hiding here and there: what does it mean to play hide and seek with a visibly tired body. What has happened in his personal life to think he can play hide and seek with Mnangagwa? For how long? Geza is aged, visibly frail!
This current revolution is a Zanu project and not a people's project!
Zanu is renewing itself as it always does. Most people do not realize the danger of being abused by Zanu to bring about internal change. What surprises us all is that most people talk about how Zanu used and abused them in 2017, however, when the revolution showed signs of success, the general population were shown a middle stinking finger openly; now instead of introspecting, they see the rising of Chiwenga as saviour to bring freedom for Zimbabwe. Recycling from-death recovered log like Chiwenga, certainly does not bring about change we want to see. In this loaded context, to put it mildly, the critical mass has not developed enough for a sound a revolution to take place. We do not have an opposition to talk about. Chamisa and many in the opposition are deeply and seriously compromised.
Stories about Nelson Chamisa's clandestine dealings with President Mnangagwa are indeed worrisome; how he was compromised and neutralized by Zanu. Again, Chiwenga wants him on his side because Chamisa has gullible mob followers on the ground. Nelson Chamisa could be double dealing Mnangagwa and Chiwenga, non the less, inadvertently. African leaders create gullible followers, depriving them of education that brings advancement and political enlightenment. Little or uneducated people are the best crowd to control and rule them. Sad but true. Young Africans especially in Zimbabwe have little or no education. They are easy to manipulate politically on either side of the political spectrum. Those with sound education are in the diaspora. Zimbabwe left footprints in NASA research institute in USA. Just saying!
Chamisa is not the solution, but part of the problem
If Chamisa is unable to take advantage of a meltdown Zanu political situation on the ground, he should stop wasting people's time. People need genuine revolutionaries on the ground to turn the political situation for the better. Nelson Chamisa has become impervious to political progress. It's coming out in bits and pieces how Chamisa is deeply linked to the first family and Zanu CIO apparatus. On the other hand, he is openly cozy with Generali Chiwenga. If personalities like Professor Arther Mutambara left body politics because it's dirty, it informs some of us about Zimbabwean politics. He and the others tried but failed dismally: avoided getting dirty, sink low for the sake of political power. They chose to remain smart, authentic. I revolution ka Nyokayemabhunu ngifuna ukuyicela isivuthiwe!
But this is not the bone of contention in my article today. The promises of change we have been feeding since mid-2024 cannot escape scrutiny of critical thinking citizens. It is not about democratic processes, but about sharing the spoils of the 2017 coup at the noses of the masses: Chamisa included. Constantly, round the clock, we are pounded on social media about the imminent military overthrow of Mnangagwa. In January, a military contingent from the barracks, face-masked, made a blitz interview about the organized coup developments. Interesting about this interview was their admission how several generals were murdered at the behest of Mnangagwa: even commanders that assisted Mnangagwa to get into power in 2017 were not spared: they died of mysterious poisoning, one by one.
The military wing is silent about Chiwenga's position in all these political developments. But in open meetings and gatherings with Mnangagwa, Chiwenga is masked with fear and anger on his face: Roped in the proverbial scarf to show solidarity: they embrace, an open show of togetherness. How fake can it go! In my loaded opinion, it is a show of who is more powerful: Chiwenga is the weakest link. When Mnangagwa plays the piper; Chiwenga dances instantly to Mnangagwa's tune! How pathetic can it go? The gullible are busy cheering on Chiwenga's side: "Gudo haripotsi! How long are they going to sing this "Gudo Haripotsi? Chiwenga haasi kupotsa; arikutadza kusimudza pfuti yacho! Zimbabweans must stop high expectations of him. Chiwenga is clinically and mentally fragile. He nearly lost his life, most of his comrades perished in poisoning. This should give us a clue how clinically serious and clinical unstable Chiwenga is.
Chiwenga, stop putting youth in the military to Mnangagwa's gallows for slaughter!
This fake display undermines the weakness in Chiwenga; strengthens Mnangagwa's side. What made it worse is the push for 2030 mantra of "Mnangagwa will still be there". Why is Chiwenga unable to tackle this succession issue with Mnangagwa head-on in the way they planned a coup together against Robert Mugabe. Instead, Chiwenga uses gullible military youth to do deadly work for him while he is safe and dead silent in his comfortable houses with a newly wedded wife from Matabeleland South: ironically a region where Chiwenga as military general murdered about thousands of civilians during the dark days of Gukurahundi atrocities of early independent 1983. Just saying!
I have said this in several articles I have written that this pseudo revolution is very, very premature, nothing will come out of it. (I was laughed at) No true revolution announces a demonstration three months in advance. Critical mass is important in any revolution and has not been realized on the ground this time around in Zimbabwe. It's another thing shouting loud semi-literate slogans about regime-change. That the general populace is disgruntled about Mnangagwa regime is not enough to stage a successful revolution. It does not need the intelligence of a German Albeit Einstein to ask a slender question: if Mnangagwa knows in advance that a demonstration is looming towards end of March: obviously he will put in place contingencies to thwart the uprising? Nyokayemabhunu was sitting on his nappies at the independence of 1980. He talks as if he knows it all. I don't think his cacophony of noises convinces many. SIMBA RAKE RIRIMUMU ROMO SE PINJISI: He is more performative than action. Just saying!
Nyokayemabhunu was sent by Blessed Geza to be his voice outside
Where is General Comrade Blessed Geza? Did he not tell everyone who wanted to hear that he will face Mnangagwa head-on? Did he not line-up veterans; ZIPRA and ZANLA, and he made bold statements about the social and economic situation in Zimbabwe? I asked Geza in my articles why he is voicing these issues now, and why not in 1980, in 1990, in the year 2000, why not in 2017 after the coup? What has fundamentally happened in his life to start to question social and economic evils in societies? He has found his voice to spell out social evils that have existed since 1980, if you are from Matabeleland? Currently Geza is hiding somewhere: could be in South Africa! Blessed Geza exposed ZIPRA veterans at the glare of cameras showing strength that was not there. Where are these ZIPRA comrades who took part in the interview today? They could be facing imminent killings from Mnangagwa's death machinery. I remember using strong words, castigating the presence of ZIPRA veterans of joining revolutions without head and tail with Geza interviews. Zanu has never been clean in their dealings with Zapu. What convinces ZIPRA veterans that this time around the looming coup is genuine for all of us? History should teach and inform us! Just saying!
What tells us about the dead silence of Chiwenga and Geza! With Blessed Geza, I am sure life had become unbearable in the absence of freebees from Zanu-candy-gar. The honey jar has dried out, or it is now out of his reach! A comeback to politics at a later age will not yield any meaningful results. Is he sure he can manage two revolutions in his lifetime? It has never happened: It is wholly delusional to think he can fight Mnangagwa and win, having fought so hard in the liberation struggle. Geza should ask Chiwenga way he is failing to unseat Mnangagwa. Is Geza hiding under Chiwenga's bed, for how long? Has Geza realized it was a mistake to raise people's expectations so high, and will not yield results? Of late, army tanks rolled in all towns and cities, not one group was able to determine who set the army in the streets in all towns and cities. We were left in constant anticipation of regime change that did not happen, will happen, has happened, will never happen. After ten days and nights of waiting, no signal promised by the army was given. Our adrenaline tanks have been used up.
Chiwenga is fooling the nation to think he can effect change with an army that he is not in command of. Chiwenga became a paper tiger long back. Mnangagwa castrated him in 2017 when he accepted the role of vice president. Mnangagwa, a master-class chess player, Chiwenga is no match with Mnangagwa, a known killer for decades. Chiwenga fears hence his silence, to protect himself. I don't blame him much; he has survived the unthinkable at the hands of Mnangagwa. It is natural for him to fear Mnangagwa when he sees him. However, Geza is a good match with Mnangagwa; but optically, he has overly aged. Geza is supposed to be resting at his home farm: not running rounds, hiding here and there: what does it mean to play hide and seek with a visibly tired body. What has happened in his personal life to think he can play hide and seek with Mnangagwa? For how long? Geza is aged, visibly frail!
This current revolution is a Zanu project and not a people's project!
Zanu is renewing itself as it always does. Most people do not realize the danger of being abused by Zanu to bring about internal change. What surprises us all is that most people talk about how Zanu used and abused them in 2017, however, when the revolution showed signs of success, the general population were shown a middle stinking finger openly; now instead of introspecting, they see the rising of Chiwenga as saviour to bring freedom for Zimbabwe. Recycling from-death recovered log like Chiwenga, certainly does not bring about change we want to see. In this loaded context, to put it mildly, the critical mass has not developed enough for a sound a revolution to take place. We do not have an opposition to talk about. Chamisa and many in the opposition are deeply and seriously compromised.
Stories about Nelson Chamisa's clandestine dealings with President Mnangagwa are indeed worrisome; how he was compromised and neutralized by Zanu. Again, Chiwenga wants him on his side because Chamisa has gullible mob followers on the ground. Nelson Chamisa could be double dealing Mnangagwa and Chiwenga, non the less, inadvertently. African leaders create gullible followers, depriving them of education that brings advancement and political enlightenment. Little or uneducated people are the best crowd to control and rule them. Sad but true. Young Africans especially in Zimbabwe have little or no education. They are easy to manipulate politically on either side of the political spectrum. Those with sound education are in the diaspora. Zimbabwe left footprints in NASA research institute in USA. Just saying!
Chamisa is not the solution, but part of the problem
If Chamisa is unable to take advantage of a meltdown Zanu political situation on the ground, he should stop wasting people's time. People need genuine revolutionaries on the ground to turn the political situation for the better. Nelson Chamisa has become impervious to political progress. It's coming out in bits and pieces how Chamisa is deeply linked to the first family and Zanu CIO apparatus. On the other hand, he is openly cozy with Generali Chiwenga. If personalities like Professor Arther Mutambara left body politics because it's dirty, it informs some of us about Zimbabwean politics. He and the others tried but failed dismally: avoided getting dirty, sink low for the sake of political power. They chose to remain smart, authentic. I revolution ka Nyokayemabhunu ngifuna ukuyicela isivuthiwe!
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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