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Will Geza demonstrations take place in Berlin-Brandenburg Gate or Harare?

23 Mar 2025 at 19:56hrs | Views
I am deeply suspicious about the elaborate preparations regarding demonstrations on the 31st of March. Complete demo details from A to Zee are now in the public domain. I get a brain spasm when I think about the coming demonstrations. Was it necessary to divulge so much to the enemy? How does an organization that clearly knows its monster Zanu expose all details about the demonstrations; so numerical and monetary detailed. Mnangagwa will counter these preparations. Inadvertently Blessed Geza is playing to Mnangagwa's gallery. Mnangagwas has played this chase-game for decades: he is waiting to copy and paste what he has doing for decades. Mnangagwa has his plans ready planned, how he will counter Geza's preparations. Such Geza open preparations are possible if the demonstrations are in Berlin Brandenburg Gate, certainly not in Harare/Zimbabwe. Geza, a war veteran should be smarter than this! He should know better how to deal with Mnangagwa and Zanu PF when it comes to inner fighting for power and leadership in Zanu.

Demonstrators will come in large numbers: But preparations on the ground are inadequate, could be lethal; the murderous nature of Mnangagwa and the criminals surrounding him, confirms this. Geza is telling people to occupy the streets against Mnangagwa: However, Blessed Geza is hiding somewhere at an unknown location, will be watching demos on Telly. The life of Zimbabwean children is so cheap; they are now invited to flood the streets to do the job for them; if about ten to fifty of them are gunned down and die, it will still be called a success if the demos fulfilled the purpose: if the means justify the ends! We demand Geza lead demonstrators in front. If he tells people to be courageous and face the guns, he must exemplify that courage, face the guns; him in front. Good luck with 31st March Geza demos. Success has many fathers!

Perhaps, as someone who comes from Matabeleland North, I am deeply sensitive when life is put on the line by unscrupulous, power-hungry people of the likes of Geza and Chiwenga. I know families who lost their lives and livelihoods during Gukurahundi period. I can smell danger already and predict the success or failure of this demo by scant preparations done. In Zambia, life and death were cigarette-paper-thin apart; an experience that activated my adrenalin tank to be on the alert permanently. You can call it trauma if you prefer.  

Listening deep to the interviews Geza has so far given; it came to the attention of many that 1) Geza is in cahoots with Chiwenga. 2) He wishes to possess several cars and security details for him to feel good. Geza uses split adjectives to confuse the population for people driven Geza revolution". We can now see through Geza is immersed in a "revolutionary change" of his personal life from a simpleton to an elite political VP leadership. Chiwenga would be anointed President of the third republic. I warned my fellow Zimbabweans enough about the change they want to see in Zimbabwe today and tomorrow. I doubt if the critical mass has reached the stage of a genuine revolution. Thousands of young people's lives are put in danger so that Blessed Geza becomes VP to Chiwenga. True revolutionaries must seek a complete eradication of Zanu PF as a system and never again these half-measures. Chiwenga and Geza must go: Geza is Zanu in and out; Geza is not fighting to change the system, but he wants a continuation of an old Zanu with cosmetic changes. The power arrangements among themselves, making gentlemen's agreement of power and anointment behind our backs; Zimbabwe will be in the wilderness for another 40 years. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Democracy in Zimbabwe is decaying. War veterans want to call the shots in positions of power. It's perfidious to say Zimbabwe is a democratic country: calling for elections will be rigged in daylight; they cannot win in the ballot box.

There is another aspect I would like to share with you fellow Zimbabweans: the language use on social media undermines the nation. It is a good thing that U-Tube providers do not understand Shona. That swearing, splitting people that you hate could never be a way of life. I will give an example; how men and women insult Christopher Mutsvangwa on social media. His wife is a sexual rental to Mnangagwa, My god! Monica had sex with Mnangagwa, and one of Monica's children belongs to Mnangagwa. Oh! My god! Giving such below the pale information on social media, to insult Chris Mutsvangwa with such wordings is uncalled for. This is just below the belt. Have we as a nation sunk so low, sinking far down south, below the pale to inflict pain and embarrassment on Chris Mutsvangwa and his wife and children. I am, as a result, not a proud citizen of Zimbabwe. I believe in the dignity of humankind, and do not temper human dignity, it did not matter how much you hate him. Some curses are even unprintable: shredding and destroying the social fabric of the nation.

Nyokayemabhunu was mouthing out Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa; was in China and was recalled because he drank alcohol to incapacitation, undressed himself, so for that reason he was recalled. This is not information to send on social media to discredit him: a gutter backside-story, never spoken about even in beerhalls. In our anger, let us uphold the dignity of humankind. Remember that their unbecoming actions are a projection of us people of Zimbabwe; we are not better than them; the difference is that we are not high profiles as them, ambassador or minister position they hold; Christopher Mutsvangwa was and is still a high-profile persona. I can be angry too but reduce my anger most of the time by sending messages I want the public to hear but objectively put across. I will not go further, giving examples of unbecoming insults and curses on social media platforms we consume daily.

I have said on several platforms that our philosophy of Ubuntu is absent in our day-to-day lives as people. Jeff Juda is unapologetic in name-calling of Africans of other nationalities, Zambians, Malawian and Mozambiquean, degrading them and deeply insulting names, is being unthankful to them. The assistance these front-line states gave to Zimbabwean people before independence is sterling high. It is insulting to call them "mapumbwa, Ma brandaya, Ma bwidi, Ma Nyasarandi; he can go on insulting Africans. Has Jeff Juda ever been told that African borders are artificial: "In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day. The map on the wall in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin was five meters (16.4 feet) tall. It showed Africa with rivers, lakes, a few place names and many white spots" (Taken from Deutsche Welle 2015). Jeff Juda is hiding in South Africa. It is for this reason he cannot insult Ndebele people now. But if for some reason Jeff was deported from South Africa back to Zimbabwe: his narrow tribal instincts will tell him to revenge it upon Ndebele people to tell them to pack and go back to wherever they came from.

I dislike Chiwenga for many reasons. But, when he is insulted by Jeff Juda, it becomes very painful to listen. He claims Chiwenga is his auntie's son, whose father, a distant traveler. Is that news to report on social media to degrade, to insult, to diminish his dignity of a human being? Where is the objectivity in that statement? He is saying this manner of evil so that Chiwenga becomes ashamed of himself. Did Chiwenga ask to be born by those two people in that space and time? According to Jess Juda, Nelson Chamisa, Mnangagwa, Ziyambi Ziyambi, Kazembe Kazembe, Biti, Sikhala: people he dislikes, are foreigners from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia Burundi, etc. Jeff Juda will not successfully take away facts: Chamisa was born in Chirumanzi: of Karanga peoples. When Chamisa makes mistakes, we shall be quick to criticize him, me included, rightly so, but criticism must never rob him of his original identity and dignity. Recognizing his place of birth, Chamisa is a true Zimbabwean like all of us. If we remove artificial borders, we are all Africans.

Again, I am sensitive to xenophobic utterances because of personal experience at Lusaka boarding school in Zambia. We were called "Rhodesians"! Stereotyped, we were all Zezurus and therefore thieves. Black "Rhodesians" stole cars; we were publicly shamed and jeered at very often: "Zvinopindirana". Black Rhodesians never stole cars but were very hard-working people. That fact was known and recognized by President Kenneth Kaunda. They forgot one thing: Black "Rhodesians had soft power in Zambia back then. They were farmers and they fed Zambia literally; They were professionals: teachers, nurses, doctors in hospitals. Black "Rhodesians" could not go back home to Zimbabwe for political reasons; they found a home in Zambia. Mnangagwa's parents relocated to Zambia like many black "Rhodesians" back then. I remember vividly meeting Dambudzo Mnangagwa twice at the University of Zambia with other "Rhodesians", Zimbabwean law students. What I cannot say is whether he was a law student at UNZA (University of Zambia) I don't know! I doubt if I need that information now. Mnangagwa is a Zimbabwean whether we want it or not: Jeff  Juda cannot reject his citizenship because he is a killer a murderer, a looter of nations resources, a paedophile, and becomes a Zambian.

I am concerned about Jeff Juda's language because it is toxic. Growing children should never be subjected to under-the pale language use, and to consume xenophobic utterances towards the othering. They must be facilitated with investigative minds that can critique, argument objective information to become good and responsible citizens.

Source - Nomazulu Thata
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More on: #UNZA, #Xenophobic, #Geza