Entertainment / Lifestyle
The worst ways to break up
21 Feb 2011 at 12:47hrs | Views

Breaking up is never easy but the way you do it says a lot about you.
If you are headed towards single lane take a few pointers before causing unnecessary heartache.
Disappearing actsVanishing without a reason not only leaves the other party guessing but it also causes them a great deal of heartache and unanswered questions.
Dumping your partner via sms or emailIf you want to be remembered as a coward go on and send that text or email.
Break Up In A Public PlaceThis is not only insensitive but it's rude. No matter how much your partner has hurt you, there is no reason for a public announcement. You didn't announce it to the world when you were still hitting on them, why demean them now? If they are causing a scene, just be the bigger person and keep your opinions to yourself. No point in stooping down to their level.
Breaking Up Via the WebThis is plain dumb. Even if you met on cyberspace, you didn't kiss or do all the things couple do on cyberspace once you met in person. Even if they are in the wrong, it will be hard to tell. The focus will now be on how you decide to end things rather than why you ended it. Think about it....
Changing Your Relationship Status On Facebook before announcing itThis is just disrespectful. Not only will it hurt your partner but it is bound to cause distress to them when they see what your friends have to say about your break-up before you talk about it.
Posting a pic of you and your new squeeze on cyberspaceWould you like it if someone else does this to you? Seeing a picture of your partner sucking face with their flavour of the moment hurts.
Be soberPlease have enough respect for your partner and be sober for your break-up talk. Slouching and trying to make sense of why you are letting them go will not only make them walk but they will also lose all the respect they have ever had for you.
"It's not you, it's me"This line is not only old but tired too. Just break up and stop saying you are to be blamed for the separation when you know it's their fault. And, no, you can't be friends.....
By cheatingCheating and hoping to get caught so that your partner walks could cause you to lose both. Who wants to be with a cheat?
Think before you decide to call it a day.
If you are headed towards single lane take a few pointers before causing unnecessary heartache.
Disappearing actsVanishing without a reason not only leaves the other party guessing but it also causes them a great deal of heartache and unanswered questions.
Dumping your partner via sms or emailIf you want to be remembered as a coward go on and send that text or email.
Break Up In A Public PlaceThis is not only insensitive but it's rude. No matter how much your partner has hurt you, there is no reason for a public announcement. You didn't announce it to the world when you were still hitting on them, why demean them now? If they are causing a scene, just be the bigger person and keep your opinions to yourself. No point in stooping down to their level.
Breaking Up Via the WebThis is plain dumb. Even if you met on cyberspace, you didn't kiss or do all the things couple do on cyberspace once you met in person. Even if they are in the wrong, it will be hard to tell. The focus will now be on how you decide to end things rather than why you ended it. Think about it....
Changing Your Relationship Status On Facebook before announcing itThis is just disrespectful. Not only will it hurt your partner but it is bound to cause distress to them when they see what your friends have to say about your break-up before you talk about it.
Posting a pic of you and your new squeeze on cyberspaceWould you like it if someone else does this to you? Seeing a picture of your partner sucking face with their flavour of the moment hurts.
Be soberPlease have enough respect for your partner and be sober for your break-up talk. Slouching and trying to make sense of why you are letting them go will not only make them walk but they will also lose all the respect they have ever had for you.
"It's not you, it's me"This line is not only old but tired too. Just break up and stop saying you are to be blamed for the separation when you know it's their fault. And, no, you can't be friends.....
By cheatingCheating and hoping to get caught so that your partner walks could cause you to lose both. Who wants to be with a cheat?
Think before you decide to call it a day.
Source - Byo24News