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Counter revolutionary Kasukuwere must resign-- Zanu PF

by Staff Reporter
04 Apr 2017 at 04:40hrs | Views
Zanu PF National commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has been ordered to resign from the post and pave way for a mature and principled leader ahead of next year's general elections.

Kasukuwere cannot lead the party towards elections as that would be  suicidal,Central Committee members and legislators from Mashonaland   Central said on Monday.

 Thousands of Zanu PF  members  demonstrated aganist Kasukuwere and his half-brother Dickson Mafios in Bindura yesterday.

The demonstrators called for the expulsion of the pair from the ruling party on allegations of plotting to unseat  Mugabe unconstitutionally, Herald reported.

"My honest advice is for the two and others in their alleged faction to resign and pave way for a mature and principled national political commissar and provincial chair who will make us win elections to take over.

"You cannot have a national commissar who should be a unifier and mobiliser being at odds with everyone in and outside the party. Factionalism is anti-revolutionary and a negation of the principles of the liberation struggle." Provincial Affairs Minister  Martin Dinha said.

"The grievances against Cdes Kasukuwere and Mafios and their cabal are serious and warrant the principal, President Mugabe to take special note and the party to take appropriate disciplinary action.

"In all honesty, I feel the national commissar and his brother brought this on themselves and they can't blame me, others or President Mugabe and Dr Grace Mugabe as I hear they are now doing".

Source - Herald