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Mugabe slam primitive Zanu PF

by Staff Reporter
04 Apr 2017 at 04:52hrs | Views
Veteran ruler President Robert  Mugabe has attacked Zanu PF saying his party was fast adopting primitive methods in dealing with internal squabbles.

A few years ago, Mugabe (93) slammed Zanu PF during a key conference saying "down with Zanu PF" during his closing remarks.

"I read in the papers, aah hanzi (Saviour) Kasukuwere is what and what, I don't even know, there being articles on Kasukuwere, Kasukuwere aah Mushohwe what's that?" he said.

"This being a member of Cabinet.

"If there are wrongs he has done we have a dignified way of looking at ills and wrong doings of all of us. That's why we have the organs of the party and I was saying to the Vice President the other day that let's remind people that we have organs starting from right down the cell, branch, district and province.

"There is no vacuum, pasina (without) some organ, a remedial organ so that people can resolve the issue.

"If he belongs to a cell, branch or province, and they have done wrong the issue must be resolved there.

"Taking issues to the media and demonstrations it's not the Zanu way, it was never, ever, ever the way of our party which has created us. This is a primitive way of doing things actually".

"Going after someone. No. I don't like that. Not that I support what he, maybe, is alleged to have been doing no! There is a method of correcting him."

Thousands of Zanu PF members demonstrated aganist Kasukuwere in Bindura on Monday calling for him to step down for allegedly plotting to topple Mugabe.

Source - Herald/Byo24News