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Zimbabwe army dismisses false media report of alleged villagers assault

by Staff reporter
02 Feb 2021 at 18:21hrs | Views
THE Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) has dispelled false allegations which have been published in the media regarding the involvement of soldiers in assaulting Mberengwa villagers.

In a statement, Zimbabwe National Army Director Public Relations Colonel Alphios Makotore said and NewsDay lied as soldiers are not in any way involved in investigations regarding theft and burglary

"Zimbabwe National Army would like to dispel allegations that its members severely assaulted villagers in Humbani area, Mberengwa West, following a break-in at the homestead of local government Minister July Moyo last month.

"The false article was published by whose reporters never sought to verify the facts from the Army authorities or the Police but quoted anonymous sources for their story. The fact of the matter is that the Army does not have any of its soldiers deployed in Mberengwa. The army does not in any way investigate cases of theft and burglary," he said.

The burglary and theft at the Minister's homestead happened some two weeks ago and the Zimbabwe Republic Police reacted accordingly. Investigations are still underway to apprehend the culprits.

He said the so-called sources are suspects who want to divert attention of investigators by soiling the good name of the Zimbabwe National Army.

"As for the Beitbridge news story which was published by NewsDay on 01 February 2021, wherein it is alleged that Army commandos beat up police, the NewsDay newspaper story is also complete fabrication based on the reporter's own imagination.

"Members of the Army and Zimbabwe Republic Police are carrying out joint operations together with personnel from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and the immigration department.

"The army would like to warn members of the public, especially some of those criminal elements who ply their illegal activities in and around Beitbridge that the law will soon catch up with them. The security forces authorities are well aware of some malcontents who are trying to besmirch the operation in particular and the good image of the security forces, in general. Their futile and criminal machinations to discredit the operation will not succeed," he said.

Source - zbc
More on: #Army, #Fake, #News