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Zimbabwe moves closer to herd immunity?

by Staff reporter
18 Aug 2021 at 01:44hrs | Views
More than 2 million Zimbabweans have received their first Covid-19 jab as the country moves towards attaining herd immunity of 10 million people.

Government which is pushing hard to attain herd immunity in the shortest possible time, has widened its mass vaccination programme to include the private sector. It has also deployed mobile teams in remote areas that are far away from vaccination centres to ensure all people have access to vaccines. Government has also brought on board the army and the police to also vaccinate people at their health institutions.

Herd immunity is achieved when most people are immune to an infectious disease and this provides indirect protection even to those who are not immune. Once achieved, herd immunity is likely to cause life to return to normal with less restrictions to prevent new infections.

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health and Child Care, 2 091 550 people had by yesterday received their first dose while 1 254 206 had received their second dose.

"Vaccination update: 27 236 received the first dose today bringing the cumulative first dose to 2 091 550 while 29 491 received their second dose, bringing the cumulative second dose to 1 254 206 as at 1600hrs.

"As at 16 August 2021, Zimbabwe had 120 532 confirmed cases, including 98 551 recoveries and 4 138 deaths. "To date, a total of 2 091 550 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19," read the statement.

Source - chroncile