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BCC reject ZEC vehicle request

by Thobekile Zhou
03 Aug 2016 at 13:19hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has been snubbed by Bulawayo City Council as it sought vehicle assistance to facilitate its nationwide mapping exercise in September.

ZEC is requesting local authorities to avail vehicles for the exercise.

BCC was requested to provide five vehicles by the election body.

However, council said it has no capacity to provide the requested vehicles.

"The following letter (29th July, 2016) has been received from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission: -

"This is to inform you that, ZEC is envisaging to carry out a nationwide Mapping exercise from 1 - 30 September 2016. In this context ZEC is requesting for five (5) vehicles from your department to use for the duration of the period. May we know if the vehicles are available before 3 August 2016. Thank you in advance for positive response," ZEC wrote on 29 July.

However, on Monday the Director of Engineering Services Simela Dube said his "Department has no capacity to support this program".

Source - Byo24News
More on: #ZEC, #BCC, #Snubbed