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Mphoko must stop outrageous remarks about Gukurahundi

by Stephen Jakes
13 Apr 2017 at 07:35hrs | Views
MDC-T Bulawayo acting spokesperson Felix Mafa Sibanda has said Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko's outrageous utterances about Gukurahundi genocide must stop.

He said Mphoko is abusing Gukurahundi.

"It worrying and highly improper for the VP Mphoko to use genocide in attempt to recruit members for Zanu PF. He is making a lot of noise ,promising the populace impossible things like issuance of birth certificates to the victims of the said genocide. He further promises," Sibanda said.
"The same victims of reburials. We as party note with regret his self contractions whereby previously stated that none would be reburied by erect memorials at mass grave site but currently he says there shall individual reburials. The affected regions ,namely, Matabeleland and the Midlands  are now failing to perceive His authentic or correct position on that state of affairs."
Sibanda said as stated before, MDC is not amused by hollow pledges and unfulfilled promises just because of "politicking" for political offices.

"We are not surprised by this cunning by the failed party, Zanu PF in attempt to hoodwink the electorate just before national elections. How does Mpoko envisage the issuance of Both certificates without Death certificates? Which comes first ,one may ask, Zanu PF must come clean and stop using cold blooded murdered citizens for its political fortunes. It's highly immoral and in African to campaign by the deceased in cold blood as it were."                       
"We therefore demand intensive consultations with the surviving victims.  We demand that Zanu PF must stop its mmadnes, and become more serious by consulting all victims and all concerned."    
He said in conclusion, we would like the VP to desist from making further outrageous pronouncements that are impossible to implement but cause pain, apprehension among the victims , affected regions and directly affected family units.                       

Source - Byo24News