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University lecturer earns $9

by Staff reporter
14 Apr 2017 at 15:03hrs | Views
A LECTURER with two local universities stunned the court recently when he tried to evade paying maintenance by claiming that his monthly salary from the two universities was $9.

The shocking revelations emerged in court last Thursday when Beauty Nehumba dragged the lecturer only identified as N Dzvairo to court seeking upward maintenance variation for their three minor children.

She wanted the maintenance to be varied upwards from $50 to $250 indicating that he was now employed as a lecturer by Zimbabwe Open University and a part-time lecturer by Solusi University.

Dzvairo told the court that he was not in a position to pay the $250 maintenance for his three minor children that his ex-wife was claiming.

He told the court that his annual salary from ZOU was $56, 60 and that his monthly salary was $9,44.

"I work two semesters per year and that is six months out of the 12 months that are in a year.

"I do not get paid on the six months that are vacations. It is out of passion that I am working, not that the job generates a lot of income Your Worship. It will be best if you dismiss the upwards maintenance variation application because as it is, I am struggling to make ends meet and pay the current maintenance," he begged the court and provided the court with supporting evidence of his payments from ZOU.

Nehumba, however, insisted that Dzvairo was employed by Solusi University to which he told the court that he had only been a voluntary lecturer at the university once.

"I volunteered lecturing at Solusi University last December and I told her that I was only doing it so that when a position arises, they will employ me, but she failed to understand. It seems all she wants is milking money from me as there have not been any changes from when last we came to court in 2014," he said.

Presiding over the matter was Miss Nyasha Kuture.

Despite proving to the court that he earned $13 a month for lecturing at Zimbabwe Open University and nothing from Solusi University, Nehumba would not hear of it as she demanded that she be given a letter to take to the institutions by the court.

The matter was adjourned to April 20 for continuation.

Source - manicapost