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Bishop urges churches to unite

by Staff reporter
16 Apr 2017 at 17:46hrs | Views

The National Apostolic Faith Mission of the Holy Ghost leader Bishop Emmanuel Chindiya has urged churches to unite in prayer to promote peace in the country.

Bishop Chindiya led congregants in a seven-day conference that started on April 8 to commemorate the feast of Passover at their Skyline headquarters in Harare.

"My encouragement is that a time of prayer should always be there. It brings forth peace and tranquillity in a nation. Remember the time when Christ was on Earth preaching for three years, he emphasised that we ought to pursue a good way of life and forgiveness just as he did at the cross.

"As the church we also have to keep ourselves under the law of God and the laws of the Government.

''In that regard we need to respect the leadership of the day that we may have harmony and to pray for them that whatever they do be guided in wisdom.

"Even when Jesus' disciple Peter, at the moment he faced crucifixion, took a sword and cut the ear of one of the centurions. (Jesus) took the initiative of peace and healed him again. Jesus was conveying a message that we don't fight with the sword. It's a message of forgiveness," said Bishop Chindiya.

The church observes three festivals - the feasts of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles.

Said Bishop Chindiya, "We are here observing the feast of Passover which was ordered by God that there may be three festivals.

''This is in accordance with God's instruction to Moses in the month of Abib, when He was to release the Israelites from bondage.

"As a result, Deuteronomy 16: 1 is clear on observing this Passover and then the special day of Pentecost to receive the Holy Ghost just as the disciples in Acts 2 waited for the release of the Holy Spirit. We also then have to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

"John 13 gives us guidance as Jesus came to fulfil the Word that people may partake of Passover. He also, with his body and blood, is resembled by the bread and wine respectively, having been crucified for the ultimate sacrifice He made on Earth."

Source - zimpapers
More on: #Bishop, #Church, #UNite