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Traditional leaders accused of taking part in Zanu PF violent activities

by Stephen Jakes
25 Apr 2017 at 19:17hrs | Views
Traditional leaders have been accused of partaking in the violence being committed by suspected Zanu PF members in some parts of the country.

Heal Zimbabwe Trust reported that intimidation remains dominant in most rural communities.   

"Traditional leaders within the local communities are involved both directly and indirectly in committing human rights violations either by way of threatening to withdraw food aid if people in their communities shun Zanu PF meetings or in cases where community members are reluctant to make donations towards Independence Day celebrations," said HZT.

"The constitution forbids traditional leaders from engaging in political activities. Heal Zimbabwe notes that such conduct by Traditional leaders is in direct violation of section 281 of the constitution that states that "Traditional leaders must not further the interest of any political party or cause". Heal Zimbabwe also appreciates that customarily, Traditional leaders are mandated to promote peace in local communities. Heal Zimbabwe implores political parties to desist from abusing the Traditional leadership institution to achieve selfish political goals."

The trust said in Chivi South Ward 25 on 16 April 2017, Village head George Mutote conducted a meeting at Muchakata ward center and urged community members who attended the meeting to vote for Jacob Magando, a fellow community member who plans to run for political office as a Councillor under Zanu PF in the 2018 elections.

"Village head Mutote also announced that members present should vote for Magando as their Councillor in 2018 if they wanted to continue receiving food aid," said HZT.

In Ward 31 the trust said  on 15 April 2017, Village head Mureba told community members during a food registration meeting at his homestead that they were supposed to purchase Zanu PF membership cards if they wanted to continue receiving food aid.

"He also announced that community members who fail to produce Zanu PF membership cards during food distribution meetings would be denied food aid," said the trust.

"In Ward 26 on 17 April 2017, Chief Shindi convened a meeting at his homestead that was attended by Village heads Takura and Makaza. The Chief ordered Village heads to deny food aid to people who failed to pay $1 contributions towards Independence Day Celebrations. The village heads have since compiled names of those who failed to make the contributions."


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Source - Byo24News