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'Ndebele Nationalits Leaders a disgrace'
25 Feb 2018 at 08:46hrs | Views

Mthwakazi Republic Party President Mqondisi Moyo has said the so called Ndebele nationalists have disgraced to their fellow Ndebeles as some of them have connived with the outsiders to trample on their fellow relatives back home.
"Fellow Mthwakazi people, my heart bleeds when our identity as Mthwakazi nationals is being sold out for pieces of silver by the selfish and self centered politicians who are more concerned about their stomachs than the suffering of the masses of Mthwakazi. It is pointless and mischievous for one to call himself or herself a leader if he cannot defend his own kith and kin. Politics is a Greek word which refers to people, but one wonders which people are the so called leaders in Matabeleland representing when they fail to openly condemn the current status quo of the imbalances bedevilling our people since the so called independence of 1980 which appears to have been fought for Shonas and not Ndebeles. The gallant contributions by Zipra and Zapu have been nullified from the archives of this country," he said.
"The so called Ndebele leaders have been seen propelling Shonas to victory dating back to the formative stages of Zapu when Joshua Nkomo roped in Robert Mugabe to ZAPU leadership of 1961 as the information and publicity secretary, not knowing that Robert Mugabe will end up turning to be his lifetime enemy and chief Gukurahundist. No wonder why Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, and I quote he said " Dr Joshua Nkomo mentored Robert Mugabe " Esintwini sithi yikwelapha Inyoka".
"We later on saw Enos Nkala also aiding Robert Mugabe to ascend into leadership by having ZANU formed in his house at Highfields in Harare on 08 August 1963. I still remember vividly what Enos Nkala told us in his house in Woodlands in 2008 while I was in the company of Dr Dumiso Dabengwa and 34 others, he said, "Its me who made Joshua Nkomo not to rule this country, we had fought with Joshua Nkomo but our fight was not political, it was personal".
He said ZANU was his party which unfortunately turned out later to be a monster party that he regretted forming.
"We have always said that by forming ZANU ,Enos Nkala indirectly formed or created Gukurahundi. We all remember his spooky statement when he said, " Ngabe kulesepa yokugeza ubuNdebele ngabe ngiyabugeza". Some who are in government today were infuriated by Nkala's utterances then, but today ZANU PF and MDC have provided them with the soap yokugeza ubuNdebele. Siyeza isikhathi when your own children will excrete on top of your graves because of your role in obliterating their future," he said.
"Our Ndebele political leaders continue to be in denial, and have not learnt a lesson from the late father Zimbabwe, Joshua Nkomo who when asked about his take on Gukurahundi since it was a tribal war denied that it was. There are quite a lot of issues that were avoidable if Joshua Nkomo had read the political game earlier, that Shonas had already had an agenda within an agenda. This reminds me of the advice Joshua Nkomo got from his Egyptian friend Mohamed Faek when in Egypt on his way to Adis Ababa in Ethopia for a press media conference."
He said Mohammed told Nkomo that he had information that his Zapu party was going to split along tribal lines and that Shonas had declared that they were the majority and could not be led by a Ndebele who is a minority.
"Nkomo could not take heed of this warning, instead he quizzed Mohammed on the source of the information and told him that his party was still intact and united. Even when Mohammed had initially asked Nkomo which tribe he belonged to, Nkomo evasively ignored the demand of the question, his answer was, " I speak Ndebele". Mohammed in his partying shot said to Nkomo, "my friend I warn you, watch out, your party will split," he said.
"It was in Adis in Ethiopia where Joshua Nkomo learnt that what Mohammed had told him in Egypt was true when Robert Mugabe disappeared with the speech that Dr Joshua Nkomo was to present to the foreign journalists who included BBC. It was in this media gathering conference where Joseph Msika confisticated a note from Morton Malianga written that, as Shonas they could not be led by the Zitumbuguru, their derogatory reference to Joshua Nkomo. Msika conveyed the disturbing message to Nkomo and this became proof what Mohammed had told him in Egypt."
He said their Ndebele leaders have been scrambling to be bottlickers of Shonas. Since 1980, they ought to have learnt that the shona people's perceptions on them will remain, no matter what good them do to them.
"We saw in the formation stages of MDC in 1999 when it was declared that Gibson Sibanda who was deseverdly poised to lead MDC, could not because he was Ndebele, hence the secondment of the late Morgan Tsvangirai on the argument that shonas are the majority and could not vote for a Ndebele leader. In 2005 when MDC split, we saw Professor Welshman Ncube and other Ndebele leaders failing to lead on their own, leading to them inviting the robotics scientist Professor Arthur Golden Mutambara to come and lead them. Mtambara later on refused to relinquish power when the MDC congress had voted him out and replaced him with Prof Ncube. He vehemently refused to leave the position as he was already the deputy Prime minister in the Government of National Unity. Both Robert Mugabe and Tsvangirai made sure that Mutambara remained the DPM in the GNU even when SADC had recognised Prof Ncube to replace Mutambara in respect of the outcome of MDC Congress decision," he said.
"In 2008 Dr Dumiso Dabengwa was not to be left out when he air lifted Simba Makoni to lead Mavambo- Kusile Dawn Project. When we were at White City stadium in one of the rallies, Dabengwa said, "I have brought Mandla Nyathi and he is no longer Simba Makoni". This he said jokingly through directly translating Simba Makoni's name to Ndebele so that Ndebeles could embrace him. We all know what later happened, Mavambo- Kusile Project garnered 8% votes in the presidential elections of 2008, which prohibited Robert Mugabe and Tsvangirai from attaining outright wins. This 8% came from Matabeleland and Midlands and Makoni never got support from Mashonaland. He had to later on disappear with 24 vehicles that were sourced by Dabengwa and left him with one vehicle out of 25, surely it is said that Ilifa lezithutha lidliwa ngaba hlakaniphileyo."
He said then came the Tsholotsho Dinyane declaration of 2004 where Professor Jonathan Moyo tried in vain to aid Emmerson Mnangagwa to power but this back fired on the learned professor as he had to suffer consequences.
"Again in the ZANU PF madness of succession battles we saw Ndebeles outdoing each other in fighting for the Shona wars, as either team Lacoste or G40. Jonathan Moyo was in the front for G40 but he later on became a villain and we saw Sibusiso Moyo from the millitary, Simon Khaya Moyo, Obert Mpofu, Jacob Mudenda , Justice Luke Malaba being used to bless the ascendancy of Emerson Mnangagwa to power through a coup by the millitary," he said.
"On the other hand bootlickers like Phelekezela Mphoko, who at one point said Gukurahundi was a conspiracy by the West, was to be relegated to the political dust bin, as at the time of the coup he is the only one who was legitimate to succeed Mugabe but the Shonas made it a point that he remained out the country on the pretext that he was on the wanted list of criminals. When their drama of propelling Mnangagwa to power was over, Mphoko was accepted back home. His failure to ascend to the presidium was attributed to his absence during the transitional phase."
"My final analysis is on the current MDC T saga. It was in 2005 when Dr Thokozani Khuphe aided Tsvangirai to fight the likes of Prof Ncube at Harvest House in Harare and some people were beaten thoroughly there, leading to an MDC split. The pendulum has shifted now, as it is the turn of Prof Ncube to aid Shonas, this time against Khuphe. Ncube surprised the world when he renewed his vows with Tsvangirai without giving an explanation on how he had resolved his parting issues with Tsvangirai. This angered Khuphe and her group who felt uProf sezobathathela ishona labo. We are all aware of the beatings that took place in Bulawayo when Morgan sent Harare thugs to come and beat up Makhuphe and her comrades."
He said Prof Ncube is at again in trying to be uMlamulankunzi in the MDC T fight for succession.
"He claims that Tsvangirai confided to him that Nelson Chamisa is to succeed him. It smells like prof Ncube is now singing for his supper as I foresee him deputising Nelson Chamisa when he succeeds to take control of the MDC T. Shona politicians are always using Ndebeles in all the battles but we still wallow in denial. MaKhuphe was recently bashed by the disrespectful shonas at the funeral of Tsvangirai and she was called a dissident. No one cares that this is the same Khuphe who has been their VP before but now labelled as a dissident because her moment to lead MDC T has come," he said.
"Surely that dissident tag was not directed to Thokozani Khuphe alone but to all Ndebeles. They did the same when they justified the killings of 1983 - 1987. If you differ with the shona system, you are labelled a dissident. My final word to all the Ndebele leaders including those that I didn't mention, please stop betraying our people to the Shona people. Why are we betraying the forthcoming generations?"
"Fellow Mthwakazi people, my heart bleeds when our identity as Mthwakazi nationals is being sold out for pieces of silver by the selfish and self centered politicians who are more concerned about their stomachs than the suffering of the masses of Mthwakazi. It is pointless and mischievous for one to call himself or herself a leader if he cannot defend his own kith and kin. Politics is a Greek word which refers to people, but one wonders which people are the so called leaders in Matabeleland representing when they fail to openly condemn the current status quo of the imbalances bedevilling our people since the so called independence of 1980 which appears to have been fought for Shonas and not Ndebeles. The gallant contributions by Zipra and Zapu have been nullified from the archives of this country," he said.
"The so called Ndebele leaders have been seen propelling Shonas to victory dating back to the formative stages of Zapu when Joshua Nkomo roped in Robert Mugabe to ZAPU leadership of 1961 as the information and publicity secretary, not knowing that Robert Mugabe will end up turning to be his lifetime enemy and chief Gukurahundist. No wonder why Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, and I quote he said " Dr Joshua Nkomo mentored Robert Mugabe " Esintwini sithi yikwelapha Inyoka".
"We later on saw Enos Nkala also aiding Robert Mugabe to ascend into leadership by having ZANU formed in his house at Highfields in Harare on 08 August 1963. I still remember vividly what Enos Nkala told us in his house in Woodlands in 2008 while I was in the company of Dr Dumiso Dabengwa and 34 others, he said, "Its me who made Joshua Nkomo not to rule this country, we had fought with Joshua Nkomo but our fight was not political, it was personal".
He said ZANU was his party which unfortunately turned out later to be a monster party that he regretted forming.
"We have always said that by forming ZANU ,Enos Nkala indirectly formed or created Gukurahundi. We all remember his spooky statement when he said, " Ngabe kulesepa yokugeza ubuNdebele ngabe ngiyabugeza". Some who are in government today were infuriated by Nkala's utterances then, but today ZANU PF and MDC have provided them with the soap yokugeza ubuNdebele. Siyeza isikhathi when your own children will excrete on top of your graves because of your role in obliterating their future," he said.
"Our Ndebele political leaders continue to be in denial, and have not learnt a lesson from the late father Zimbabwe, Joshua Nkomo who when asked about his take on Gukurahundi since it was a tribal war denied that it was. There are quite a lot of issues that were avoidable if Joshua Nkomo had read the political game earlier, that Shonas had already had an agenda within an agenda. This reminds me of the advice Joshua Nkomo got from his Egyptian friend Mohamed Faek when in Egypt on his way to Adis Ababa in Ethopia for a press media conference."
He said Mohammed told Nkomo that he had information that his Zapu party was going to split along tribal lines and that Shonas had declared that they were the majority and could not be led by a Ndebele who is a minority.
"Nkomo could not take heed of this warning, instead he quizzed Mohammed on the source of the information and told him that his party was still intact and united. Even when Mohammed had initially asked Nkomo which tribe he belonged to, Nkomo evasively ignored the demand of the question, his answer was, " I speak Ndebele". Mohammed in his partying shot said to Nkomo, "my friend I warn you, watch out, your party will split," he said.
"It was in Adis in Ethiopia where Joshua Nkomo learnt that what Mohammed had told him in Egypt was true when Robert Mugabe disappeared with the speech that Dr Joshua Nkomo was to present to the foreign journalists who included BBC. It was in this media gathering conference where Joseph Msika confisticated a note from Morton Malianga written that, as Shonas they could not be led by the Zitumbuguru, their derogatory reference to Joshua Nkomo. Msika conveyed the disturbing message to Nkomo and this became proof what Mohammed had told him in Egypt."
He said their Ndebele leaders have been scrambling to be bottlickers of Shonas. Since 1980, they ought to have learnt that the shona people's perceptions on them will remain, no matter what good them do to them.
"We saw in the formation stages of MDC in 1999 when it was declared that Gibson Sibanda who was deseverdly poised to lead MDC, could not because he was Ndebele, hence the secondment of the late Morgan Tsvangirai on the argument that shonas are the majority and could not vote for a Ndebele leader. In 2005 when MDC split, we saw Professor Welshman Ncube and other Ndebele leaders failing to lead on their own, leading to them inviting the robotics scientist Professor Arthur Golden Mutambara to come and lead them. Mtambara later on refused to relinquish power when the MDC congress had voted him out and replaced him with Prof Ncube. He vehemently refused to leave the position as he was already the deputy Prime minister in the Government of National Unity. Both Robert Mugabe and Tsvangirai made sure that Mutambara remained the DPM in the GNU even when SADC had recognised Prof Ncube to replace Mutambara in respect of the outcome of MDC Congress decision," he said.
"In 2008 Dr Dumiso Dabengwa was not to be left out when he air lifted Simba Makoni to lead Mavambo- Kusile Dawn Project. When we were at White City stadium in one of the rallies, Dabengwa said, "I have brought Mandla Nyathi and he is no longer Simba Makoni". This he said jokingly through directly translating Simba Makoni's name to Ndebele so that Ndebeles could embrace him. We all know what later happened, Mavambo- Kusile Project garnered 8% votes in the presidential elections of 2008, which prohibited Robert Mugabe and Tsvangirai from attaining outright wins. This 8% came from Matabeleland and Midlands and Makoni never got support from Mashonaland. He had to later on disappear with 24 vehicles that were sourced by Dabengwa and left him with one vehicle out of 25, surely it is said that Ilifa lezithutha lidliwa ngaba hlakaniphileyo."
He said then came the Tsholotsho Dinyane declaration of 2004 where Professor Jonathan Moyo tried in vain to aid Emmerson Mnangagwa to power but this back fired on the learned professor as he had to suffer consequences.
"Again in the ZANU PF madness of succession battles we saw Ndebeles outdoing each other in fighting for the Shona wars, as either team Lacoste or G40. Jonathan Moyo was in the front for G40 but he later on became a villain and we saw Sibusiso Moyo from the millitary, Simon Khaya Moyo, Obert Mpofu, Jacob Mudenda , Justice Luke Malaba being used to bless the ascendancy of Emerson Mnangagwa to power through a coup by the millitary," he said.
"On the other hand bootlickers like Phelekezela Mphoko, who at one point said Gukurahundi was a conspiracy by the West, was to be relegated to the political dust bin, as at the time of the coup he is the only one who was legitimate to succeed Mugabe but the Shonas made it a point that he remained out the country on the pretext that he was on the wanted list of criminals. When their drama of propelling Mnangagwa to power was over, Mphoko was accepted back home. His failure to ascend to the presidium was attributed to his absence during the transitional phase."
"My final analysis is on the current MDC T saga. It was in 2005 when Dr Thokozani Khuphe aided Tsvangirai to fight the likes of Prof Ncube at Harvest House in Harare and some people were beaten thoroughly there, leading to an MDC split. The pendulum has shifted now, as it is the turn of Prof Ncube to aid Shonas, this time against Khuphe. Ncube surprised the world when he renewed his vows with Tsvangirai without giving an explanation on how he had resolved his parting issues with Tsvangirai. This angered Khuphe and her group who felt uProf sezobathathela ishona labo. We are all aware of the beatings that took place in Bulawayo when Morgan sent Harare thugs to come and beat up Makhuphe and her comrades."
He said Prof Ncube is at again in trying to be uMlamulankunzi in the MDC T fight for succession.
"He claims that Tsvangirai confided to him that Nelson Chamisa is to succeed him. It smells like prof Ncube is now singing for his supper as I foresee him deputising Nelson Chamisa when he succeeds to take control of the MDC T. Shona politicians are always using Ndebeles in all the battles but we still wallow in denial. MaKhuphe was recently bashed by the disrespectful shonas at the funeral of Tsvangirai and she was called a dissident. No one cares that this is the same Khuphe who has been their VP before but now labelled as a dissident because her moment to lead MDC T has come," he said.
"Surely that dissident tag was not directed to Thokozani Khuphe alone but to all Ndebeles. They did the same when they justified the killings of 1983 - 1987. If you differ with the shona system, you are labelled a dissident. My final word to all the Ndebele leaders including those that I didn't mention, please stop betraying our people to the Shona people. Why are we betraying the forthcoming generations?"
Source - Byo24News