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Man kills domestic worker's family

by Staff reporter
19 Sep 2018 at 01:37hrs | Views
A Buhera man ran amok on Sunday and fatally shot his domestic worker's wife and two children aged four and one, over maize, rapoko and groundnuts that were stolen from his home.

The incident occurred at Marindire Village under Chief Makumbe in Buhera.

Chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba yesterday said they were investigating three murder cases and an attempted murder case.

"Circumstances are that on the 13th of September 2018, the accused person (name withheld) had a misunderstanding with his domestic worker Farai Mandigo over allegations of stolen maize, rapoko and groundnuts.

"The accused person then fired his domestic worker together with his wife and two daughters who were all staying at the accused's residence.

The domestic worker and his family failed to secure transport and slept at the homestead," she said.

On September 16, she said an argument arose between the two, resulting the suspect, who owned two rifles firing one shot at Madigo,  but missed. It is alleged that the suspect fired three more shots, prompting Madigo to run to Murambinda Police Station where he made a report.

"While making the report, he received information that the accused person had shot dead his wife aged 33 and his two children, respectively," Snr Asst Comm Charamba said.

She expressed concern over an upsurge in murder cases emanating from domestic violence and urged members of the public to resolve their disputes amicably. "Violence is never a solution to disputes/conflicts and such behaviour is unacceptable in our society.

Disputes can only be resolved through dialogue or seeking assistance from the police, elders in communities or neutral people.

"We have recently recorded an upsurge in murder cases emanating from domestic violence and we urge parties to use other means to solve their differences. This gruesome murder could have been avoided had the employer sought assistance," Snr Asst Comm Charamba said.

Source - the herald