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Tobaiwa Mudede booted out

by Staff reporter
20 Sep 2018 at 03:01hrs | Views
LONG-SERVING Registrar General Tobaiwa Mudede (74) has finally been retired while Information secretary George Charamba was elevated to the unfamiliar position of Deputy Chief Secretary Presidential Communications.

This is according to the new public service shake up by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The list was released on Wednesday.

Mudede, who has been at the helm of the country's registry since 1985, had become one of the most hated public officials after he was often said to be the central figure in former President Robert Mugabe's alleged election rigging tactics.

Mudede also torched controversy 2007 when he was said to have been the brains behind a spirit medium who fleeced government of thousands of dollars while claiming she had some supernatural powers to command rocks in Chinhoyi to churn out a nation's supply of diesel.

Lately, he had torched a storm after he reportedly blacklisted and denied United Kingdom based Zimbabwean journalist Violet Gunda a passport.

Charamba, on his part, is also a long serving top public official since 2000.

He was also presidential spokesperson since Mugabe's time.

Foreign Affairs permanent secretary Joey Bimha was also retired.



Defence and War Veterans – Martin Rushwaya

Finance and Economic Development – George Tongesayi Guvamatanga

Energy and Power Development – Gloria Magombo

Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprise Development – Rudo Chitiga

Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage – Melusi Matshiya

Transport and Infrastructural Development – Engineer Amos Marawa

Local Government, Public Works and National Housing – George Magosvongwe

Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development – Prof. Fanuel Tagwira

Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement – Ringson Chitsiko

Health and Child Care – Brigadier General Gerald Gwinji

Industry and Commerce – Mavis Sibanda

Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry – Munesushe Munodawafa

Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare – Judith Kateera

Foreign Affairs and International Trade – Ambassador James Manzou

Mines and Mining Development – Onesimo M. Moyo

Information Communication Technology and Courier Services – Engineer Samuel Kundishora

Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation – Thokozile Chitepo

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs – Virginia Mabiza

Permanent Secretaries in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services and the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education are yet to be appointed.

George Charamba has been appointed Deputy Chief Secretary – Presidential Communications, while Ambassador Jonathan Wutawunashe is the Secretary to the Service Commissions.


Retired Permanent Secretaries and Principal Directors

1. Ngoni Masoka

2. Partson Mbiriri

3. Ambassador Joey Bimha

4. Ambassador Boniface Chidyausiku

5. Tobaiwa Mudede

6. Ambassador Lelebert Nkomani

7. Ethel Mlauzi

8. Anne Knuth

9. Valentine Vera

The following senior officials have been reassigned:

1. Ray C. Ndhlukula

2. Pretty Sunguro.

3. Washington Mbizvo

4. Ambassador Stuart Comberbach

5. Ambassador Nicholas Kitikiti

6. Willard Manungo

7. Prince Mupazviriho

8. Desire Sibanda

9. Sibususuwe Zembe

10. Ambassador Grace Mutandiro

11. Ambassador Mary Mubi

12. Ozias Hove

13. Clemence Masango

14. Eghpha Jokomo

15. Simon Masanga

16 Eria Phiri

17. Clifford Matorera

18. Innocent Tizora

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Mudede, #Mnangagwa, #Out