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Man falls from third floor over hooker

by Staff reporter
01 Nov 2018 at 15:43hrs | Views
A Glen View man was last night left injured when he was thrown from third floor of a flat by a hooker following a misunderstanding over payment for sex services she rendered.

The incident happened at Dana Place in the Avenues area.

The man, only identified as Mandewo, sustained head, back and leg injuries and was rushed to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where he is receiving treatment.

Mandewo told H-Metro that the woman known as Trish within their circles and resides in Flat Room number 17 wrestled him off the apartment when he refused to disclose his Ecocash details.

He said they agreed for a $5 quickie when they hooked on the streets before the woman shifted goalposts after the act.

"I hooked her in the street and we agreed on $5 for sex but she demanded $100 soon after the quickie," said Mandewo.

Mandewo said he offered to add $10 but she insisted on $100 demanding him to disclose his Ecocash details.

"I was prepared to add $10 but she kept on demanding my Ecocash details and when I refused she wrestled me along with her flat mate and threw me over the window.

"She took my car keys and I want to believe she has gone and searched the vehicle or disappeared with the car if she is licensed to drive," said Mandewo writhing in pain.

Asked if he could give contacts of his relative, Mandewo ignored the question insisting to get help on making sure his vehicle is recovered.

Eye witnesses at Dana Place heard Mandewo calling for help but could not give a hand on time.

"We heard him calling for help and we saw him hanging by the window and fell down as we tried to rush to the room," said one of the eye witnesses.

"The lady reported to have hooked him ran away and we managed to apprehend two of the ladies who stay in that flat," added the witness.

Police attended him and was taken by paramedics to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.

Source - dailynews
More on: #Man, #Hooker, #Fall