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Anti-Chiwenga demo; fresh details emerge

by Mandla Ndlovu
04 Nov 2018 at 15:44hrs | Views
Following reports of the Anti-Chiwenga demonstration pencilled for 12 November by the Youth League aligned to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, both camps have moved in to beef up security for their leaders.

A source within the Youth League confirmed to us the developments

"I can confirm that President Emmerson Mnangagwa has doubled his motorcade as suspicions are growing that the people aligned to the General are plotting a counter to our planned Presidential solidarity March and even to the extent of trying to stop it from happening. We are not sure what extent they are willing to go to in executing their plots.

"The other issue also is the General  is operating like a ghost , appearing and disappearing. He is playing a secretive game and no one knows where he can be at what time. He removed the CIOs who were assigned to him and replaced them with military personnel and everywhere where he arrives like in public functions there is a Puma as an advance party. And this makes his a very divisive and dangerous person at the moment.

When asked on what really the fight is all about, the source said, "To understand what is going on in the party, you need to look at this from the pre-1980 context because that period sets  the tone and the foundations for the relationships that we have today in the party.

"The General  has always been a Mujuru person, has always been a Zezuru person, a part of the Zezuru mafia that has run ZANU PF since the days of the liberation struggle.

"Carry that into present day you will notice that everybody who was part of the Mugabe faction  and everybody who was part of the Mujuru faction now goes to pay homage to number 2. They now recognise number 2 as their protector, the tree where they can get shade.

"If you were paying attention well at the function that was held to pray for the General in Hwedza you had the Mugabe faction people like Sidney Sekeramayi and David Parirenyatwa attending the event and posing for pics with Number 2. One may argue that there were there because they are from Mashonaland East but I can  authoritatively informing you that their presence cuts deeper than that.

"As I said in the previous interview, Chiwenga is working closely with military personnel from Pamona barracks to neutralise the President and as the vanguard of the party we will not accept it."

The source also  revealed to us how Chris Mutsvangwa is the author of all the chaos happening in ZANU PF. They connected his links to Lumumba's travels to South Africa during the period and how he linked Mthuli Ncube with Acie Lumba through his wife the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting.

Source - Byo24News