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Zimbabwe to introduce e-provisional driver's exams

by Staff reporter
05 Nov 2018 at 04:25hrs | Views
THE Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ) will introduce electronic Provisional Driver Licence tests at Vehicle Inspection Department Depots in an attempt to reduce interface with officials as well as minimising cases of alleged corruption.
This comes as a welcome development to Zimbabweans who for a while now bore the brunt of corrupt VID officials.

TSCZ spokesperson Mr Tatenda Chinoda said the e-PDL exams start on December 1.

"From 1/12/18 PDL exam will be computerised starting with VIDs in Harare," he said.

"To discuss more about this please attend the Computerized PDL Indaba to be held at Traffic Safety Head Office on Wednesday 7 November 2018 from 5-7pm pronto."

In June this year, 62 VID officials were fired for issuing certificates of fitness to unroadworthy vehicles and provisional driver's licences corruptly.

The Zimbabwe driver's licence is internationally-recognised but has been losing its lustre due to wanton corruption in the issuance of the document, which is adversely damaging its reputation.

Source - technomag
More on: #Driving, #Licence, #Exam