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Tendai Biti back in court

by Mandla Ndlovu
12 Nov 2018 at 09:33hrs | Views
On Monday, the trial of opposition political party leader Tendai Biti commenced at the Harare Magistrates Court.

He is being represented by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights members  Beatrice Mtetwa and Alec Muchadehama.

Commentinmg on the case Biti said, "It has been a terrible four months enduring persecution at the hands of this terrible , illegitimate, heinous and shameless regime . But we push on and we fight on. The way of truth always finds its way out."

The MDC Alliance co-principal was arrested in early August at Chirundu Border Post, (Zimbabwe/Zambia boarder post) trying to escape to the neighbouring country.

Biti is being accused of having a hand in the post-election violence that saw the military intervening and shooting indiscriminately at protesters and unarmed civilians resulting in the death of six people and several injured.

Further, Biti is also facing charges of announcing the just-ended 30 July election results, a mandate that is the sole duty of the electoral body, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), and declaring the MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa as the presidential race winner.

Muchadehama, through the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), recently tried to challenge Biti's arrest arguing that he (Biti) was unlawfully held by Zimbabwean authorities from Zambian territory, where the local courts had allowed his bid to seek asylum.

Source - Byo24News