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Mnangagwa under fire for endorsing Korean cult

by Mandla Ndlovu
15 Nov 2018 at 19:07hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has come under from the Christian community over his decision to associate with the Korean cult led by Hak Ja Han Moon which seeks to entrench itself in Zimbabwe through a bogus peace prayer penciled for the November 21 at National Sports Stadium.

Pastor Sengezo Muchengeti of Christ the King Fellowship said, "I am shocked that our President who always values himself as a Christian. I remember when he took over power he said The Voice of the people is the voice of God. Today he is cosying with Moon a well known cultist who is into self worship. We now wonder which God he was talking about."

Muchengeti's statements came after state media reported that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to officiate at the first national level Peace and Family Festival to be held on November 21 this year at the National Sports Stadium in Harare.

At least 40 000 couples from more than 200 countries will re-dedicate their marriages at a huge ceremony that will be led by Dr Hak Ja Han Moon from South Korea.

A Christian who only identified  themselves as MJ said, "What is the Family Federation and Hak Ja Han real agenda? They are targeting Christian audiences with the seemingly nice theme of  'Peace Starts with Me'. But the truth is that her message has nothing to do with peace starting with you, and has all to do with Han proclaiming herself to be the only-begotten daughter of God. Make sure that your pastors are not supporting this event.

"By going to her event, she is claiming that you believe her to be the new messiah replacing Jesus and that you are accepting her as the only-begotten daughter and True Mother. Know what you are supporting. Listen to her words in this video and decide for yourself. More videos to come. Expose the truth."

Source - Byo24News