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Chamisa regrets insulting his supporters

by Staff reporter
16 Nov 2018 at 06:51hrs | Views
MDC leader, Mr Nelson Chamisa, has backtracked on the remarks he made about his supporters who demonstrated on August 1 demanding the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to release results for the presidential election.

Chamisa, yesterday described the violent August 1 demonstrations by his supporters as stupid and uncalled for in a desperate attempt to cleanse himself of blame for the post-election violence that resulted in the death of six people.

Mr Chamisa made the sentiments during a press conference at the party's headquarters in Harare in response to an invitation on Wednesday for him to appear before the Post Election Violence Commission of Inquiry after he was fingered in testimonies as having played a part in the violence. He said it was impossible for him to have incited the violence as he was not aware of the results and waiting for the announcement by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec).

Today on Twitter Chamisa appeared to be backtracking on his comments.

Said Chamisa, "My remarks to condemn those who killed or injured the innocent, burnt cars & destroyed property on 1 August used 'words' that regrettably created the wrong impression. The people have a constitutional right to demonstrate peacefully. Any discomfort caused is sincerely regretted."

Source - Byo24News