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How Trevor Ncube lied about Jonathan Moyo

by Mandla Ndlovu
16 Nov 2018 at 09:56hrs | Views

Exiled former G40 Kingpin Professor Jonathan Moyo has exposed how Alpha Media Holding Boss Trevor Ncube misled the nation in November 2017 claiming that Prof Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere were arrested by the military and taken to the then KGVI army headquarters.

Posting on Twitter Prof Moyo said, "Attached herewith is Trevor Ncube s tweet at 22:35hrs on 15 November 2017 that went viral. God is not partisan but is for us all whatever our sins. God always extends his grace & protection to everyone. Praise be to the Lord. It shall be well. Good night everyone & God bless you!"

On the fateful night Ncube had tweeted that, "I can now confirm that Cabinet Ministers Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere have been picked up from President Mugabe s Blue Roof residence to KGV1 Military Barracks."

In the following day on 16 November 2017, Ncubes Newsday paper carried an article amplifying Ncube's words.

"ZANU PF political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere and Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo the brains behind the G40 faction in the ruling party  were yesterday fished out from President Robert Mugabe's Borrowdale mansion where they had sought sanctuary and handed over to the military," NewsDay alleged.

"It is understood that the two Cabinet ministers were holed up at Mugabe's mansion as they evaded late night military arrests early yesterday morning."

NewsDay also claimed that  that Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) Commission chairman Mariyawandah Nzuwah was sent by ZDF Commander General Constantino Chiwenga to fetch the two whom he warned on Monday that he would fish them out of Zanu PF to ensure stability in the former guerilla movement. Nzuwah is also chairman of the Civil Service Commission.

Prof Moyo recently tweeted that he is working on a memoir called Letters to my father which will be a tell all for everything that happened during the bloody coup that ended 37 years of Robert Mugabe's repressive rule.

Source - Byo24News