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CIO confine Chief Maduna?

by Mandla Ndlovu
16 Nov 2018 at 16:55hrs | Views
The District Intelligence Officer of  Filabusi a Mr Mlotshwa  allegedly  summoned the all powerful Chief Vezi Maduna of Filabusi to his office on Thursday over the petition  the chief  wrote to President Mnangagwa, a source has said.

"Mlotshwa instructed Chief Maduna to report in his office whenever he wants to travel outside Filabusi in other terms Chief Maduna is technically confined to Filabusi."

In a wide circulated letter  addressed to President Mnangagwa, Chief  Maduna Mafu  accused Mnangagwa of pushing a tribal agenda which has led to the economic marginalisation of the Matabeleland.

Said the Chief , "The issues that I want to discuss with you are: the secret issuance of 17 Mining Executive Prospecting Orders (EPO) which costs $20 per ha/year in Matabeleland South e.g. the EPO for Lithium which covers Shapi-Mashongola-Gwatemba in Guyu-Ntepe-crossing Tuli rivers, this means we have no land as chiefs for economic devolution which you proclaimed since all mining EPOs were given to Harare guys and considering precedence mining EPOs have over any activity in that area or land .

"Grabbing of prime agriculture land using fronts like (1) Trek at Maphisa (2) Schweppes as Zhobe Dam in Beitbridge. I have information whose interest these companies are serving as business fronts at the expense of the local people."

Chief Maduna also pointed out that the composition of senior public officials in the ministries of local government, information, energy, agriculture and the public service commission was a sign of tribalism at play.

"There is no one from Matabeleland, is that how the new dispensation treats Matabeleland people after years of suffering from 1981 to 1987 Ndebele Genocide (Gukurahundi)," he said.

"This has been public talk in every Ndebele homestead, kindly find time to discuss with me and my delegation issues raised in this letter. To me it proves why you have been pushing for economic devolution knowingly that behind our back as chiefs you systematically and secretly took all strategic economic drives, sites and minerals in Matabeleland"

Source - Byo24News