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Civil servants receive bonuses

by Staff reporter
28 Nov 2018 at 22:26hrs | Views
GOVERNMENT has started paying civil servants their 2018 bonuses and the first group received the 13th cheque yesterday while the last batch will be paid tomorrow.

According to a circular written by Treasury on Monday to chairpersons of commissions in the public service, those service in the Zimbabwe National Army, Airforce of Zimbabwe, Health sector, Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services were paid yesterday.

Those employed in the education sector will be paid today while the rest of the civil service will be paid tomorrow.

In the circular, Finance and Economic Development Permanent Secretary, Mr George Guvamatanga advised chairpersons of commissions in the public service commissions that the payment of the bonuses was in line with Government's commitment to honour its obligations to its workers.

More to follow. . .

Source - the herald