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Mnangagwa's government set to redistribute land to all

by Staff reporter
07 Feb 2019 at 08:07hrs | Views
In a new development, the government has announced that it would repossess all idle land and redistribute it to deserving farmers irrespective of their race and colour.

Douglas Karoro, the Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Culture and Rural Development, said yesterday that the government was waiting for the completion of the ongoing land audit whose report is expected in March, to implement the new land policy.

The development gives hope to thousands of white commercial farmers whose farms were repossessed during the 2000 land reform programme. Most of the farmers are scattered in the SADC region while others are in Europe and Australia.

"In the event that the government decides to distribute the land to people, it's our policy to make sure that the distribution exercise is done fairly," Karoro told Parliament yesterday.

‘'The redistribution is not going to look at the colour of the farmer, the political inclination of the farmer, or the religious affiliation of the farmer," Karoro said. "A famer is going to be looked at as a farmer who has capacity, the essence is that we want to produce enough food for everybody."

Source - businesstimes