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Chief Ndiweni sends a message to Zimbabweans

by Mandla Ndlovu
22 Aug 2019 at 22:12hrs | Views
Jailed Nhlambabaloyi Chief Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni has sent a messag to Zimbaweans assuring them that they must not despair because things will become fine.

The message was conveyed by leading Bulawayo artist Madlela Skhobokhobo who said, "Yesterday I spent time with inmates at Khami prison, I had a wonderful time.On my way out I meet the chief  Khayisa Ndiweni  we spoke for some time. He said I should tell you all will be fine. He was so full of life and hope."

Chief Ndiweni and his subjects were each sentenced to 24 months in jail and six months were suspended for five years on condition that they do not within that period commit a similar offence.

The 23 subjects were given community service while Ndiweni was given a custodial sentence.

He has since appealed both the conviction and the sentence.

Source - Byo24News